I need to lose weight! 🙁 This is not a new statement. If you’ve been Chasing Joy with me since the beginning, then you know I have been trying to get healthier and learn to treat my body like a temple for a long time. Like forever. I have not been successful yet. I say yet because I have not given up.
Last week I read two blogs that resonated with me, Skinny Jeans Dreams and Phit-N-Phat. There were several ideas that stuck with me from these blogs. Not giving up when you go off track. Instead of saying to hell with it and binge out after going over my calories or a weight gain, just getting back on track. Making small changes and doing things that make staying on track easy.
In addition to the above I realized that perhaps my problem has been that I have not really zeroed in on why I want and need to lose weight. I need to articulate it in a way that can be referenced easily. I need to focus on my Why!
So here are 13 reasons why I want to lose weight.
- I want to feel comfortable to go to the doctor to address any health concerns and not put it off because I don’t want a lecture about my weight.
- I want to eat without pain or experiencing heart burn and acid reflux.
- I want to have more options when shopping.
- I want to feel more confident.
- I want friends and family to feel more willing to introduce me to eligible bachelors and not hesitate because they are not sure their guy friends like bigger girls.
- I want to feel lighter on my feet when exercising.
- I want to feel in control of what goes in my body.
- I want to get healthier as I get older.
- I want to remain free of diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and cancer.
- I want to have a healthy pregnancy when that time comes.
- I want to have lots and lots of options for my future wedding dress.
- I want to not feel self conscious or worry about people making mean comments about my weight.
- I want my Joy to not be limited by my weight.
Great list. Here are some inspiring photos for you AfterFat
This is a great list of reasons to get on the ball and get into good physical shape. It is a list that many of us can identify with. Thank you for sharing.
this list is great. I'm working on a similar post right now! finding motivation to work out is hard!
I've lost the weight – unfortunately it was stress-related so now I've got to work on having an overall healthier lifestyle. Very inspiring list!
#1 … i haven't been to my primary care physician since she told me I was obese. I'm maybe ten pounds heavier than that and that was back in 07. I also am working on getting healthy and I can totally relate to your list. The why, knowing the why is so important when trying to achieve any goal. Good for you!
I had been trying to lose weight to look better but I really needed to lose weight to be healthier. At work I was so out of breath that I knew I had to do something. It's gotten so much better but I like this list idea. I need to reeaxmine why and how I am trying to lose weight.
Glad to hear it is getting better Rachee. It is not easy.
That's great Gina. Please let us know about your progress with the group.
Every single one of your reasons resonates with me! A few girls at work are putting together a Shape-up-for-Summer group and I was hesitant to join in. I'm really, really thinking about doing it now. Thanks for sharing!
Number 3 is so me! I avoid shopping because I hate looking for clothes I can fit. I want to walk a flight of stairs without wincing in pain.
I should have added knee pain to my lists of why's Mrs. Rkfj.
I'm working on getting more healthy. Cooking and working out are the key for me. When I don't shop for groceries, our family eats out, and that's very rarely good!
Eating out is hard to fit in to a healthy diet at time Brandi. I struggle with it when I go out with friends or on dates.
Those are all motivating reasons to lose weight! Although I do not need to currently lose weight (I breastfeed for about a year, and that was the equivalent of Slim Fast!:), I do need to get in shape. I am out of breath at work climbing the stairs and sometimes am too lazy to climb at all and opt for the elevator. I should make similar list like yours:)
I'd love to see your list Heather!