Confidence is one of those things I am always working on. I am a lot more confident about some things. However, there are still some areas that need work. Areas where I still seem to need some sort of outside approval. Can you relate? Oh well life is a constant circle of self evaluate and self improve.
Here a few tips that have helped me to work on my confidence. I still refer to these tips as needed.
- Get clear about what you believe. What you believe in. Who you believe you are. What you believe about life. I believe In laughing A LOT. Read More…
- Learn to enjoy your own company. Part of Chasing Joy is being comfortable doing things on your own and enjoying your own company. It’s not easy but at the end of the day you will feel proud of yourself and just a bit more confident because there was something you wanted to do and you did it. Read More….
- Accept your body as is. A while back I decided to take some boudoir photos. I had to accept my body as is and take off my clothes!!! I found the entire experience to be both liberating and confidence building. Read more…
Does your confidence need a boost? What tips do you use to feel more confident and sure of yourself?
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Anonymous says
You have great skin and look really great in green. I'm not a stalker, just a new fan. I'm on this journey too, just not so publicly. Maybe we'll meet soon.
Anonymous says
You are awesome. I love your confidence. I laughed when you said to enjoy your own company. That is something I do all the time. I crack myself up with laughter when I do something like spill coffee on my computer, when there is a hilarious scene on TV or movie, or when I hear something funny on the radio or Internet!! I also yell out loud (well not too loudly) when I get to a funny part in a book I'm reading.
Tracey says
I love your posts. Its amazing to see you go out of your comfort zone and how that makes you feel more confident. I would love to try a boudoir shoot!
Christie C says
I definitely feel like I'm not the best company for myself lately! Need to change that. Great advice
Penelope says
I know I'm a work in progress, but I still feel very proud of where I am today. It's great to see positive messages online.
Crystal says
I waver between total confidence and a lot of doubt. I needed this reminder today.
Valerie says
These are such great tips. I think there is a difference between accepting your body and wanting to do something different with it in an unhealthy way. This is a great way to think about it!
Kelly Hutchinson says
I need to work on being kind to myself and stop talking negatively about myself.
Marcie W. says
I absolutely agree with each of these suggestions and have made it a point to focus on them since entering my thirties. I believe confidence is what truly makes a woman beautiful.
Six Time Mommy TEST says
These are awesome. I really needed these, so what a great day to read this. Very helpful. – Jeanine
Shell says
It does help to be clear about what you believe. It's hard to feel confident about speaking up about your beliefs if you aren't sure what they are!
Liz Mays says
These are great ways to boost self-confidence. I feel the same way about laughter!
MJ L says
These are great tips on how to live life happy! Accepting your body is tough, I struggle with that daily!!
Pam says
Accepting your body is hard, but once you do, you'll be much happier. I am still working on accepting mine- it's a process.
Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle says
I love this post. We need to stop looking to other people to makes us feel like we matter and give us joy. We have to do that for ourselves!
Rachelle J says
These are such great points! In the words of Ru Paul, "If you can't love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else? Can I get an amen up in here!?" Lol!
Masshole Mommy says
I love this. You definitley have to like yourself in order to feel good about yourself.