Yesterday I received some pretty good advice. It was not particularly deep or complicated advice. It was actually very simple. She said, be kind to yourself Arlett. This is actually advice that I have given on the Chasing Joy Facebook and Twitter pages.
So, how does one be kind to herself? Here are a few suggestions.
- A long hot shower. This is one of my favorite things to do. I know we all bathe every day, but usually we have things to do so its in and out. How often do you get to just take your time and enjoy the hot water. I usually feel quite relaxed after a long hot shower.
- Sleep in. I know many of us do that whenever we get a chance. Here is the twist, sleep in and don’t feel guilty about it. When you wake up don’t think about what you need to do that day or what part of your house you should be cleaning. Just pull your blankets up and treat yourself to some more zzzzzzzz.
- Go to the Spa. If you have the money this is a great option. Spa treatments can be so relaxing. The staff there know how to make you feel special and pampered.
- Watch something stupid on TV. Give yourself 30 minutes or an hour and watch something completely mindless. Preferably something that will make you laugh. Forget about your problems and worries and just get lost in a silly show. For me that would be something like Golden Girls, Fraiser, King of Queens, or Friends.
- Have a drink or two. A nice glass of wine, a cocktail, or a beer can have a nice calming effect. Especially if you take a few minutes to sit and enjoy it. Just keep it to only one or two. You don’t want to start a habit.
- Get out your good stuff. Put on your special occasion underwear. Use the good dishes. Open the special wine. Put the fancy towels in the bathroom and your favorite sheets on the bed. The time to enjoy these things and now and often. You are worth it!
- Cuddle with your favorite furry friend. Pets are awesome. Mine seem to know when I am in need of their special variety of affection.
These are a few of the ways that I like to be kind to myself. Being kind to ourselves is one of the easiest ways to have a more Joyful experience. How are you kind to yourself?
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Savvy WorkingGal says
For me it is taking a Saturday off and cuddling up with a good book. We all need a break every now and then.