Yesterday was my 35th birthday. I cannot believe I am thirty-five years old. I feel more like 26 or 27. I do not feel like I am in my mid thirties.
I have never had a hard time with my birthday. I actually love my birthday and make every effort to have a great time celebrating it. This year was no different. I went out with friends, went to see the ballet Swan Lake with my mom, treated myself to a day of from work, a spa treatment, birthday cake, and dinner out with my mom. Click here -> for pictures.
The only challenging part about getting older is that my life is not how I imagined it would be. I bet that most of you face that same challenge. I thought by the time I was 35 I would feel smarter, be in better shape, have more money, a more fulfilling career, a better house etc, etc, etc… I am already working on most of these things and actually feel pretty good about my progress even if i am not where I thought I’d be. The two big things that I do struggle with as I get older are that I thought I would be married and have children by now. I never imagined I would be 35 with no love interest in sight. I never imagined I’d be facing the downward slope of my fertile years with no kids. I know I am a great person who will make a great wife and mother. It has actually pained me over the years that things have played out this way.
Now don’t get me wrong I am not giving up on finding love, on finding my Mr. Joy Chaser. I have just come to the realization that it is time for me to go to plan B. What is plan B? Well plan A was love, marriage, followed by the baby carriage. Plan B just involves switching up the order of things. Plan B is baby carriage, Love followed by marriage. Yes you read that right.
I think I explain it a little better in this video.
I have forever to find love and get married but I don’t have forever to become a mom.
Do you know any Single Mothers By Choice? Did you decide to become a mom before you decided to get married?
Happy Belated Birthday! yes, I tend to do a lot of reflecting when my birthday rolls around too. Girl, just enjoy life and live every moment.
you are brave, and what an exciting journey. I am glad to see you go after the things you want. Happy belated Birthday. Great video!
Happy Belated Birthday toooo yooou! Yes, birthdays can cause us to reflect on how things may not have gone they way we would have liked. Instead, make the best of the life we've been given.
Happy belated birthday to you! Congratulations and best wishes on your journey!!! So beautiful!
I heard about your journey to have a baby and its very brave of you. I am approaching my 30s in a few months and I cant believe it. No love interest or kids…didnt think I would be like this going into my 30s but it is life. I personally couldnt be a single mother by choice that scares me as I had both of my parents and it shaped me into the person I am today…but I wish you well on your journey! I hope you have a beautiful happy baby and can share your testimony about it!
Happy Belated Birthday! Man isn't it funny how life throws us curveballs. I am dealing with my own so I hear ya. But it's amazing to just be alive for one more year, and everything will work out for the good.
I don't know any single mothers by choice, but I can understand how you reached your decision. Best of luck with your decision, and I'm sure you will make a great wife and mother one day!
Happy belated birthday! I don't know any single mothers by choice and feel that it would be a very tough job, this coming from a mom. I pray for all the best!
Happy Belated Birthday! I don't know any women that are single by choice but I do know women who are in their late 30's or early 40's w/o any children or married.
Many blessings on your journey!
Happy Belated! I was just talking to my cousin about this: women choosing to have a family, regardless if they have a significant partner or husband. Infertility is a real thing, so as you would like a family I think it is great that you are still pursuing becoming a mom. I imagine your story will inspire other women who might find themselves in this predicament. <3
Happy Birthday! I totally understand how you feel, I had similar feelings last year when I turned 35. The great thing about life is that we can make it what we want. If you want a baby I say go for it. I look forward to reading about it when the time comes.
Happy Belated Birthday. I don't know anyone who is single by choice but I know a few of us who are married and single…we have husbands but they either work or don't do as much as we do as mothers. It's a tough situation but being a mom is beautiful and that man will come right on time!
Happy Belated Birthday! While I don't personally know any ladies who are single mothers by choice, I can totally understand that idea and I wish you the best of luck. I'm sure you will be a terrific mom and Mr. Right will follow.
All the Best,
Allison Jones |
Wishing you had a happy birthday! I wish you luck with your Plan B. I had once considered being a single mother, but it never panned out for me. No ideal partner and doubts about whether I should take that route. It was not meant to be for me. I'm okay with that.
You, however, do want a child. So I would say, go for it. Mr. Joy Chaser can follow. Maybe a child will bring him to you sooner.
Keep chasing joy whatever your decisions. You inspire us all.
Happy Belated Birthday! I do know a few single mothers by choice. Every now I hear them complain about how hard it is. Being a mother is work, and having a partner makes it easier but its not that it can't be done.
Good luck to you on your journey can't wait to hear about it!