Joy Chasers this trying to conceive thing is not easy. But I guess nothing worth having really is. This cycle has been rough and I have not even started the two week wait yet. In my last video, Back at it! TTC Cycle 9: Monitoring, you saw that even with all of that monitoring we still missed the opportunity for me to do my Ovidrel trigger shot at the most optimal time. I gave myself the shot anyway and now it’s time for the IUI. Honestly I already feel sad about this cycle. I feel like it is not going to work. I am trying to be optimistic but that is just not how I am feeling right now. On the bright side it does seem like this IUI is being timed pretty well. It is in God’s hands now.
Here is the video of my IUI. It is TMI but you really don’t see anything.
Despite my feelings going in to this cycle I am going to fight against them, focus on the positive, pray, and give myself credit for trying to create the life I want for myself.
Hope the two weeks flies by for you! We had such a hard time with patiences when we were ttc.
Thank you so much for sharing your feelings girl. I'm wishing you the best of luck and sending prayers your way.
It's a journey of faith and trust! Stay positive! As you're saying, it's in God's hands now 🙂
I love how open and honest you are about your feeling. This is definitely a journey for you, I only wish you the best
Best of luck to you! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed the baby making is a success!
I am keeping my fingers crossed for you! I know it's been a rough road, but you've got the right attitude about all of it.
I wish you the best of luck with this cycle. I can not imagine how stressful this must be on you.
It's very hard to keep positive when something isn't happening immediately. I really feel for you. You have such a great attitude and I do believe good things happen to good people! Keep the faith.
positive vibes and yes, I agree, TWINS! Wouldn't that be a surprise! And maybe now those will become your lucky socks!
I am sorry you are feeling sad about this cycle. Try to stay positive!
Try to stay positive. You have my thoughts and baby dust coming your way!
I know it must be so hard to remain optimistic. I am wishing for the very best outcome though!
What a journey you are going through. I know that all of this is exciting and can also be a little scary.
I am sending positive vibes your way. Keep being optimistic and positive and it will happen. Catherine S
I am thinking of you as you go through this cycle! It's hard to stay positive but it's worth it!
So inspiring to read your stories. I just suffered my 2nd miscarriage in 5 months and my husband REALLY wants to carry on and go forward but I'm just like.. I don't know. But reading others stories helps me so much. Good luck! – Jeanine
Sorry for your losses. Wishing and praying for the best.
I struggled trying to conceive and seeing your journey brings back all of those emotions. I am sending you positive vibes and baby dust!
Sending you prayers. This can't be an easy thing to go through and to share.
oh the socks are GREAT!! What a fabulous pair! Keeping thoughts of y'all!
I always love reading your posts,and I never think they're TMI! =D
I will send positive vibes your way. Good luck making that baby!
Good luck. Please think positive thoughts!
Amazing post dear! You have a wonderful blog:)
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