It is Monday, that means the #CJBL Brunch has come and gone. It is amazing how we can spend so much time preparing for an event and then it goes by so fast. Though the brunch went by quickly it was great.
My goal for the Chasing Joy Brunch & Learn was that guests leave with new tools to help them have more happiness in their lives and also leave with new joy minded social and/or business connections. I do believe that goal was achieved. There seemed to be genuine interest in implementing techniques from the Law of Attraction like, mistakes to avoid when setting goals and how to create and use vision boards. It was all smiles as everyone was leaving.
I could not host such an awesome event without the support from our sponsors. One of these sponsors is Chrystina Noel who sponsored a giveaway from one of our guests to be randomly chosen from those who were live tweeting, posting to Instagram or Facebook. So with no further delay the winner of custom greeting cards from Chrystina Noel is…..Janelle from Running With No Regrets. I searched the hashtag on the different social media sites, listed the names of the people who posted, and ran the list through below is the results showing Janelle’s twitter name as the 1st choice.
List Randomizer
- @Janelle_RWNR (twitter)
- Curvy Ceo (Facebook)
- @mrsrkfj (twitter)
- @Janelle (Instagram)
- @Curvey_Ceo (twitter)
- @EBONIMARTIN (Instagram)
- @AndStarringAsHerself (Instagram)
- Biba Atta (Facebook)
- Raya Buffy Fagg (Facebook)
- Eboni Martin (Facebook)
This has been a wonderful event, thanks so much Arlett and S.H.A.R.E! @chasing_joy #CJBL I even won a…
— Run With No Regrets (@Janelle_RWNR) August 2, 2014
Are you missing a piece of the puzzle? #CJBL helps with the laws of attraction!
— AndStarringAsHerself (@mrsrkfj) August 2, 2014
Best place to start with wellness & stress management? Journaling! #CJBL
— Curvy CEO (@Curvy_CEO) August 2, 2014
On Wednesday I will share some of my favorite pictures from the Brunch. If you can’t wait you can view them now on the Chasing Joy Facebook page. In the next few weeks I will also be sharing my own efforts to implement the Law of Attraction to assist me in Chasing Joy.
So, What did you do this weekend? Brunch maybe?
Congrats, Janelle! I really enjoyed this workshop.
So glad you enjoyed yourself Mrs. RKFJ.
Thanks so much Arlett, happy to win the greeting cards! I had such a lovely time at the brunch, looking forward to the next one!
So glad you enjoyed the brunch. 🙂