Here is a silly question, did you see Caitlyn Jenner? Of course you did. The whole world saw her. I don’t know how you feel about her debut nor do I really care actually. This post isn’t about any sort of transgender pro / con , acceptance / non-acceptance conversation. This post like all others on this blog is about Chasing Joy.
Ultimately, I think Bruce’s transition to Caitlyn was about him trying to be happy. It was a huge step. A much bigger step than most of us will ever have to take in the pursuit of happiness. However, many of us have and will decide to make huge life changes to be happier. We may change jobs, move, end relationships, start relationships, or decide to become a parent. Others of us may long to make these changes but find ourselves unable to for any variety of reasons including fear, lack of support, or lack of resources.
I have many thoughts related to Caitlyn. The thought that carries the most weight for me is Now That’s Chasing Joy. This thought leads me to question if I am really doing all that I can to catch my share of Joy. Do I need more courage? Do I need to work harder to build my self confidence? Do I need to grow more in my faith? Will I then be Chasing Joy on Caitlyn’s level? Chasing Joy openly, unapologetically, courageously and with all that I have.
Are you pushing yourself in your pursuit of happiness? Are your fears keeping you from Chasing Joy as vigorously as you should? What do you need to start Chasing Joy Caitlyn style?
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Tyra says
You can't fault someone for trying to live their truth and be happy. I think we should all try to find our happiness. I am working on that now!
Christine St Vil says
Chasing Joy is a choice that individuals have to make for themselves. It's about taking a stand for what you believe in and making sure that it's a non-negotiable.
Mimicutelips says
I'm all about finding my happiness. I've been on a mission for the last couple of years in particular. There are two more things that I want to check off before I can say I am there.
Julian (@BoldFearless1) says
For me, my first source of joy is my relationship with Christ. So often, we look for external things to make us happy, when those are fleeting and fickle. I believe that joy starts when you learn to love all of who you are and accept yourself–flaws and all–internally.
Patrice Foster says
I also believe happiness starts from inside of us. This is a constant struggle at times working to be better at this.
Lauren says
I think it's fundamental that individuals do what they can to make themselves happy. I also give my well-wishes to Caitlyn Jenner for doing what made her happy after so many years.
LaShawn Wiltz says
Happiness of course, starts on the inside. But it's hard. I'm working on finding what truly makes me happy. Self care is the first step
LaQuisha Hall says
I believe that in order to chase joy, you have to chase your passion, which ends up becoming your purpose. Self-love is also very important in being truly joyful.
Ashley says
Happiness really starts on the inside. No matter who we are to everyone else, and what people see us as, if we aren't happy internally and emotionally, physical changes mean nothing. I actively work towards self care and self help so that I can be content with who I am as a woman and continue to grow.
Kita says
I have to learn to accept myself. Going from 112 lbs to 230 lbs was a big issue for me and I hated me and it shows on every ounce of my outside. Learning to accept yourself for who you are is how you become free.
Stacie B. says
In my own life, I am currently pushing myself to make changes in order to find true happiness. Self acceptance and a deeper relationship with God will make it happen!