Today I watched a TV show called What I Hate About Me. The person featured on the show lists ten things they hate about themselves. I was immediately turned off by the title and assumed the show would be stupid and filled with women talking negatively about their bodies. I was wrong. The show was good it just has a stupid title.
The woman featured listed the ten things she hated about her life. Some were physical things about her and some were not. She hated that she had no curves and was built like a boy, she did not have enough bedroom time with her husband, her house smelled like dog pee (yuck!!!), she could not bake a cake, her eyelashes were thin, her skin was oily, she had too much clutter from mail, she had to wear stockings to work, her hair weave was terrible. During the hour long show experts helped her make some changes that improved her quality of life. That’s what the show was really about, how to improve your quality of life, not how to focus on all your negative qualities. They really should consider a new title.
When I first started to watch this show I was thinking I don’t even have ten things that I hate about me. I love me. I really like who I am as a person. I am pretty, smart, kind, generous, honest, funny, and even sexy at times. Sure I’d like to lose some weight for health and vanity reasons, not because I look bad now because I could look better and feel better. But overall I’m a very good package. In watching this show I realized I’m not as far from joy as I thought. A big part of being happy is being happy with yourself and I can say that I do like me. In fact it really upsets me anytime I feel someone is telling me I need to change who I am.
As I got more into the show and realized that the point was to help the person improve the quality of his or her life by taking action to change the things they are unhappy about I thought about my quest for joy. I’ve already focused on the types of activities I can do to have a better quality of personal time and claim some of my desires, but what other things could I do to have a better quality of life and therefore more Joy??? Here’s what I came up with
- Become a better house keeper
- Continue to work on treating my body like my temple
- Work on my anxiety regarding Church
- Make new friends
- Get out of debt
- Improve my wardrobe
What about you? What are some things you’d like to work on to improve your quality of life?
As I keep you posted on how I’m do with these things as well as my list of activities to improve my downtime, I hope you’ll share with me some of the things you are doing on your personal quest for joy. I’m sure I’m not the only person chasing after it.
I haven't heard of this show, but I love that it got you thinking about your own life. I would love to once and for all live a balanced life. This concept seems to be evading me, and I spend my days frazzled and running from one task to the next. Taking more time for myself is definitely on my list of things to do. And also I would love to get a haircut. 🙂
Yes, I agree the show's title is a complete No-Go! But, we're all working on ourselves in some capacity, so it's relatable. I definitely have my own mental list of things to work on, improve, or outright change. And while some I'm tackling right now, others are on the list and I'll get to them as I can. :>
I'm sure it was titled that way for pure sensationalist value, haha!
What do I want to change about me…? I wish I were more on time with things. And that my hair were longer. I can't think of anything else right now.
Yup Classic NYer. I'm sure the tittle was just to grab attention.
Interesting post–I never heard of the show–and I do like that it got you thinking. Hmm…what do I want to change about me? I'd like to work on slowing things down a bit but I'm not sure I'd enjoy going a slower pace. It seems I would–but I might actually have time to stress out about things then. LOL. I need to think some more on this. Cheers, Jenn
It is a tricky balancing act to slow down for more time for yourself and having too much time on your hands that can lead to stress thinking.