M is for Men! Can’t live with them…. So why do I want one LOL
Ugh, this dating game should come with clearer rules and instructions. Some say the rules have changed from previous generations. Others say the rules can be found in books like He’s Just Not That Into You or Act Like a Woman Think Like A Man. Maybe there are no real rules. Perhaps the rules are obsolete and irrelevant like the ones untouched in the Monopoly box. I simply keep rolling the dice and making moves, hoping to land on Love. Unfortunately the odds have not been in my favor and the game keeps sending me back to start.
Here is just a small sampling of the hodgepodge of dating rules I’ve heard over the years.
- Let the guy make the first move
- Women should go for what they want
- The guy should pay on the first date
- The girl should offer to leave a tip on the first date but the guy should refuse to let her
- No Sex on the first date
- Sex on the first date is fine if the chemistry is there
- Wait 90 days before getting frisky
- There is no special time limit for intimacy do it when it feels right
- Wait for marriage, why buy the cow…. (women should never be referred to as cows by the way)
- The guy should be more into the girl than she is into him.
- Be open and honest about your feelings
- Don’t be too needy
- Don’t except last minute dates, you have to teach a person how you like to be treated
- Be easy going and go with the flow.
- who thinks he wants something serious until things start to get serious and he bails.
- who wants to get married so bad that he doesn’t even bother to get to know you at all before proclaiming you are the one.
- who pretends to be doing quite well for himself financially then gets upset with you when he cannot keep up the front.
- who can’t even commit to a date. He suggests things then will “let you know” if he can actually make it..
- who lives with his mom so all visits have to be at your house
- who is in a cult
- who thinks being insulting and critical is cute. Telling a girl her “convo is wack” will not get you anywhere.

It can be rough out here. Dating is not easy, but my Mr. Joy Chaser is out there. I choose to be encouraged by the conscious coupling of my friends. Hey, I am just as awesome as they are right? Eventually, it will be my turn. Until then I will keep rolling the dice, following the rules, breaking the rules, and creating my own rules until I land on Love.
Was just coming off a divorce of only being married two years, met current hubby on a blind date through friends, three months later he asked me to marry him and here we still are twenty two years later… visiting via the A to Z challenge… 🙂
Well Cam you are just no help. Lol 🙂
Oh my goodness, the rules! It's too much. I don't miss the dating scene. It's too hard. No advice for navigating the singles scene. I seriously have no idea how I made it out. Ha!