It seems like only yesterday that I welcomed you into my life. Yet here we are a year later and it is time to say farewell 2017.
Time has gone by so quickly yet we accomplished so much together. Business wise we brought back the Chasing Joy Brunch & Learn #CJBL and launched the 4 Week Joy Makeover and the Joy Makeover 90 day boot camp. Spiritually I have gotten to know a few more people at church. This has been both pleasant and scary for me considering my initial anxieties about church. But starting to have some church friends helps me to be more focused on God.
Relationship wise, even though you did not bring me my Mr. Joy Chaser, I am happy to have only grown my circle of friends and acquaintances.
Work wise, the day job that is, too by honest hasn’t been that great. However, it has been serving its purpose of financing my dreams. To be honest 2017 the day to day during our time together 2017 has given me inspiration and courage to pursue change.
Experience wise you definitely didn’t disappoint, 2017. I mean after all you took me to Cuba! Financially things have been tighter than I liked but I cannot complain. The reason I cannot complain is because finances are tight because of fertility treatments.
Which brings me to Family. 2017 you showed off this year in the family area. You did what 2015 an 2016 could not do. As a matter of fact you did the opposite of 2016 which took away the person I loved the most, my mom. You 2017 have brought new life into my family and allowed me to experience pregnancy and the Joy of telling my family that the newest Hartie family member is on the way.
2017 you will be gone in just a few hours. The most important thing I have to say to you 2017 is thank you. Thank you for allowing me to experience pregnancy, hearing my baby’s heart beat, and feeling my baby move inside of me. Thank you for giving me hope about the future. Thank you for closing the previous period of loss in my life where I loss my dad, my relationship, my dog, and my mom and ushering in this period of receiving where I get to receive the blessing of motherhood and support from family and friends. Thank you 2017 for being a good year.
Farewell 2017. Here are a few memories of our time together.
It sounds like you have had a pretty eventful year. I just want to wish 2017 sayonara!