Happy Feel Good Friday!!!!
I had an appointment this morning that required me to wake up kind of early. I could not just turn of the alarm and wake up naturally like I usually do when I do not have work. I set the alarm for 8:20. When I opened my eyes this morning I did n0t hear the alarm going off. I quickly reached for the cell phone fearing slept through or failed to set the alarm properly. Nope! It was 8:13. I’d woken up right on time just before the alarm. As I plopped my head back to the pillow my first thought was God woke me before the alarm, God Is Good To Me!!!
Normally my first thoughts in the morning are “No!!! not yet” as I hit the snooze button. Or on my day off “I’ll sleep just a little longer” as I roll over happy I do not have to get up for work. So today’s thought was quite a departure. I think this focus on positivity, this Attitude of Gratitude, the Life Lessons, the counting my Blessings, the avoiding Joy Thieves, the focus on loving myself, and trying new things must be paying off. Chasing Joy is changing my mindset. Watch out Joy! I’m closing in on you. I’ll have you in my grasp soon enough.
How is God good to you?
How has Chasing Joy changed your mind set?
Happy Feel Good Friday!!!
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God has been good to me and my family in so many ways. Like you I think positive and strive for happiness.
Diane, I think that when you think positive and strive for happiness you take notice of your blessings more often.
God has been SOOOOOO good to me I can't even begin to tell you!!! So many times God has made a WAY out of NO way!
Optimistic Mom, There is always a way with God. 🙂
Yes it is true 🙂 🙂 🙂