Happy Friday!
How was your week? This is one fo the more challenging weeks for me during the year. This week marked the 5 year anniversary of my dad’s passing. However, I made every attempt to keep it joyful as I know he would have wanted. Also this week I had some body aches from soreness after last weekends #FitRetreatPhl. Now I am ready for the weekend. Including, #FlashbackFriday!!!!!
I hope you are ready to join in the #FlashbackFriday linky fun. #FlashbackFridays is when we give our old posts a little love. Pick any old post from your blog and add it to the linky below. You can also share your post on the Chasing Joy Facebook page and on Twitter using the hashtag #FlashbackFriday.Here are my favorite posts from last weeks link up:
Chocolate Chip Protein Bites, a recipe from July V.
Sheila Hawkins time management post asking do you know where your time is going.
Add the link to one of your favorite oldie but goody blog posts below and find new readers and bloggy friends via the power of the linky!!!
This week I am linking up It’s My Birthday and I’ll Cry If I Want To. This post is about expectations and birthdays. Check it out!
What are you linking up this week?
Thanks for the link party.
If I ever share a post more than once, I apologize. I'm feeling a bit confused about which of my posts you've seen and which this site has not. But it's food, which is always good.
Thanks for linking up Julie V. This linky is laid back so no worries. Link up whatever you like.
I hope you have a great weekend!
Thanks Janelle. I did. 🙂 I hope yours was good also.