Yay, it’s Friday!
Are you ready for the #Flashback? I am!
#FlashbackFriday is where we link up one of our older posts that needs a little love. It’s pretty simple. You can link up any post you like, but the idea is to link up an older one, and give it new life via the power of the linky. The only rule is to be sure to visit AT LEAST TWO other links. If you are first to link up be sure to come back and visit at least two of the links that come after yours. You can also share your post on the Chasing Joy Facebook page and tweet about the linky using the #FlashbackFriday Hashtag.
My favorite post from last week’s link up is Dove Body Wash DIY from Julie V. Julie makes creating your own body wash seem so easy and inexpensive.
This week I am linking up Wonderfully Made to Chase Joy. This post is about why I chose the word Wonderfully as my word for the year for 2012.
What are you linking up? Add your link below and check out the others. Find new blogs and new readers via the #FlashbackFriday linky.
Now invite your bloggy friends to link up. Click to tweet -> I just linked up for #FlashbackFriday with @Chasing_Joy add your blog & find new readers.
P.S The Discounted Early Bird tickets for the Chasing Joy Brunch & Learn (#CJBL) are available. Register on the Chasing Joy Event’s Page.
Hi, a bit later than planned. I'm linking up my post on making the time to achieve your fitness and nutrition goals.
I decided to share my first ever post, a carrot cake pancake recipe. I'll link back to you when I get to an actual computer so I can edit my post.
Thanks for hosting and sharing my post!
Hi Arlett! I shared the "Wonderfully Made" post on FB and on Twitter. Looks like a slow week, but then, it's early summer ;-P