Happy Monday!!! Normally I only talk about baby making or my efforts at getting pregnant on Fridays. But, I found out about an awesome product to help with getting pregnant naturally and couldn’t wait to share it with you guys. It is called the Stork OTC.
As you guys know I have been trying to get pregnant for two years now. While Chasing Joy is not a fertility blog, Chasing Joy is about going after the joyful life you want. For me that includes motherhood and I am not alone. That is why it is important for me to share my journey. Similarly, It is also important for me to share information on getting pregnant that is not specific to my journey but may help you with your own efforts at getting pregnant.
Since my effort at getting pregnant is a solo project I started right away with going to a fertility specialist and having an IUI. This is likely not where you will start if you are getting pregnant with a male partner aka husband, boyfriend, or BAE. You will start trying to get pregnant naturally aka the fun way. The Stork OTC is a fertility product that you can use to help you. Think of this as a step you can take before you head into a fertility specialist.
Here is how it works. BAE will wear something similar to a condom while you guys have sexy time. It will capture his swimmers. When he takes it off the The Stork OTC will then allow you to place those swimmers inside of you way up near your cervix. The placement is similar to that of a diaphragm. Getting those swimmers close to the cervix is what increases your chance at getting pregnant. Future Single Mother’s By Choice like myself or same sex female couples don’t feel left out. You can use The Stork OTC with donor sperm as well.
To see exactly how The Stork OTC works click here >>> Show Me How The Stork OTC Works.
If i had known about The Stork OTC I may have tried it before I did an IUI. Oh well I am on the IVF train now. However, despite the fact that I had medical intervention from the very beginning I still did a lot to boost my natural fertility. Despite my first transfer not working I attribute ending up with a total of 5 embryos from the IVF to those efforts. So if you are working on getting pregnant here are a few things to try in addition to The Stork OTC.
- Take a prenatal vitamin. This will give you additional nutrient support but most importantly it will give you the folic acid that your baby will need in those first few weeks. Lack of folic acid in those first few weeks when you may not even realize you are pregnant can cause neural tube defects. So pretty much all women of childbearing age should take a prenatal just in case. The down side is the pills are kind of big. But you can find smaller ones. The bonus (outside the benefits to baby) is you may see an improvement in your hair and nails.
- Take Vitamin D. Vitamin D comes from the sun. Our milk is fortified with it but the main source is sunlight. Depending on your skin tone and the climate you live in you may likely have a vitamin deficiency. I am a black girl living in Philly (Northeastern United States) where we don’t get a lot of sun during the fall and winter. Not surprisingly I was Vitamin D deficient. You can get vitamin d over the counter and it even comes in gummy form.
- Get your thyroid checked. I was surprised to find out I had a thyroid issue. It is technically not a thyroid problem as my levels are considered normal for a grown woman. However for pregnancy a thyroid number between 1 and 2.5 is considered optimal. Mine was a bit over this so I started taking Synthroid. One bonus from this is that I now find it a little easier to lose weight. It’s still hard AF though, Yall see me posting my workouts on Instagram, LOL.
- Get your blood sugar levels checked. If your body is not metabolising sugars properly that will have a negative impact on getting pregnant. I found out my blood sugar levels were a little too high and was given a medication to help. I also met with a nutritionist.
- Speaking of losing weight, get to a healthy weight range. Being either overweight or underweight can impact your ability to ovulate. There are also studies showing women who are not in a healthy weight range have a harder time getting pregnant even if they are ovulating.
- Take Vitamins E and C. A while back I told you guys about the book It Starts With The Egg. The book talks about how toxins may play a role in diminished fertility. After reading it I started taking Vitamin E and C as they are both antioxidants which help protect our cells from toxins. Remember our eggs are cells and cell division is how we go from sperm and egg to little bundles of joy..
- Look into CoQ10 and DHEA. I also took these supplements to aid in my fertility. I think these two are responsible for performing a Benjamin Button on my ovaries. At one point the fertility tests showed I had the ovaries of a 40 year old woman when I was only 36. Both of these help with egg quality. I don’t know of any negative of using CoQ10. Unfortunately you have to be a bit more careful with DHEA. It is a form of male hormone. If your male hormones are already on the higher side it can actually be harmful to take it. So look into it and discuss with your doctor. Have them give you a blood test to check your hormone levels first. Other supplements mentioned in the book included myo-inositol and royal jelly. These seemed a little controversial so I stayed away from them.
- Lastly make lifestyle changes. I lost weight by exercising and eating healthier (sometimes I fall off though). I also made changes to my skin, hair, and makeup routines to avoid unnecessary chemicals. Now I only wear foundation on special occasions. I switched my nail polish to ones with fewer chemicals. In addition I also switched my hand soap, body wash, lotion, and dishwashing liquid to natural products. I also stopped relaxing my hair. That’s why I am rocking these lovely braids.
So there are lots of things to do to help naturally improve your fertility before moving to fertility drugs and procedures. I’m glad we can now add The Stork OTC to the list of things that can help you with getting pregnant.
Click here to find out where to buy The Stork OTC >>> Buy The Stork OTC.
Keep in mind that as we get older fertility goes down. The general rule of thumb is if you have been trying on your own with no luck you should reach out to a Reproductive Endocrinologist after a year if you are under 35 and after 6 months if you are over 35.
I want us all to have the Joyful lives we deserve. If your joyful life includes becoming a mom I hope you found this helpful.
I love hearing about amazing new ways for woman to become mothers! It’s so great that there are continual efforts to help woman struggling such as yourself. I pray you get your little bundle of joy soon! I know a friend struggling with infertility so i cant wait to share this with her.
So wonderful there are options to help conceive. I hadn’t hear of this before but love that it’s less invasive. Need to remember to share this with my friends.
I sure wish a product like this was available while we were trying to conceive! I had to track my cycles the old fashioned way and it took us almost 2 years (and fertility drugs) before we were successful.
I am happy to hear you were successful.
You look great…I think you need to commend yourself for taking such positive steps.
There also is a lot of information you gleaned here on this topic.
I wish you all the best in your journey!
Thank you!!!
Stork OTC sounds like a very helpful tool for people trying to conceive. It’s good to know that there are different options out there for people to explore.
I am glad there are options now that women can take to increase their chances of conceiving. Stork OTC is a convenient option women can try first before heading over to a fertility specialist. BTW, I love your braids!
The diet and lifestyle changes you’ve listed here are great ways to help your body to prepare for conception and pregnancy. I am happy there are options like Stork OTC for women who are having difficulty conceiving. Pregnancy, childbirth, and holding your baby for the first time in your arms is such an emotion filled moment of womanhood.
I am praying I get to experience those moments.
I did not have difficulties conceiving, but I am happy that there are options women can do before seeing a fertility specialist. I think the Stork OTC will help increase the chance of conceiving, closer to the natural way.
I do think all of the little things you can do to improve your chances add up! I’m glad Stork OTC is able to help things along!
Keeping your body functioning properly definitely makes getting pregnant easier. You shared some great tips!
These are great tips and this sounds like a good product. I have a friend that might be interested in trying this.
These are great tips, I love that there is a product like this out there to help you out during your journey. I am sure this product will be a truly magical item for those in need 🙂
These are great tips. It makes total sense to me that keeping your body in top shape and supplementing correctly would help you body do everything better – including conceive.
The Stork sounds great. I think anyone going through this can use all the help they can get, and Stork sounds very helpful, indeed.
How great. I think it is so wonderful that there is help out there for women that are struggling to get pregnant.