I am going for the fertility hail mary.
A Hail Mary is a very long forward pass in American football, made in desperation with only a small chance of success. It is also a prayer. September made 18 months since I started trying to conceive. A year and a half, the length of two pregnancies, and still no baby. The time seems right to go for the fertility Hail Mary. I’m talking about one final IUI before heading into IVF. I have been on the fence about doing another IUI or just waiting for the IVF. But I am in a state of desperation (I desperately want to be a mom). After so many unsuccessful IUI’s the chances of success are small. I have and will continue to do a lot of praying. Sounds fiting for a Hail Mary doesn’t it???
Check out the video below to find out the plane for my Fertility Hail Mary cycle.
That baby’s feet look so precious.
Thanks for caring. Have a wonderful life affirming day. God’s timing is priceless. Thanks for your prayers. I will keep doing the same for you.
Been trying to have a baby since age 38. Should I just hang it up? No dream for me? All because I waited to get married first. Hmmmh? Medical treatments-check….. IVF- check…..thousands of dollars spent-check…. buckets of tears-check….waiting and the adoption process-check…..still no baby-check….other people with children shaking their head at me telling me to give up on my dream-check…. Still wanting to be a mom-priceless. Posted after reading a mommy bloggers post about Janet Jackson.
Momtobe… Do not give up on your dream. I cannot see the future but I feel that God will give us the desires of our hearts. I am sorry the it has been such a struggle. I can relate. God is in the miracle business. He can bring a baby into your life. I will be praying for you.
Thank you.