G is for Giveaways and Gratitude!
If you want more Joy in your life one of the easiest things to do is to practice gratitude. In most cases it is hard to feel both grateful and sad or angry simultaneously, so count those blessings. In those unfortunate times, when life is really kicking your butt, practice gratitude. Counting your blessings may not lift you completely out of the darkest times, but it can serve as a reminder that not everything is bad, that there are still good things happening in your life.
So how exactly do we practice gratitude?
Journaling. This is probably what most of us think of first. This is writing down 3 or 4 things that you like thankful for each day in a journal that can be referenced later.
Publicly. I think it is great to publicly express what you are grateful for. It reminds others to think about what they are grateful for. It is also a way of giving God praise. The thing is you want to do It in a way that is humble and in the right timing. When someone is having a bad day that might not be the right time.I find the #ThankfulThursday theme in social media to be a great time to publicly practice gratitude.
Acknowledgement. Practicing gratitude is not just about thanking God for all that He has done. It is also about acknowledging each other. Say Thank you! When someone goes out of their way to do something for you tell them you appreciate it. Send thank you notes. These things go a long way toward brightening peoples day and strengthening relationships. Oh, and don’t forget to say thank you for the strangers who do things like hold the door for you. Remember how annoying it is when you are not thanked for these common courtesies.
Prayerfully. I think many of us Pray offering thanks when we journal or publicly express gratitude. My challenge to you is to every now and then to pray only giving thanks. Don’t ask for anything, just give thanks. I find this type of prayer has a calming effect on me. So I tend to pray this way when I am particularly stressed out.
All this talk of gratitude is the perfect segue for announcing the Joy in the Journey Giveaway winner. It is fun to host giveaways. Everyone likes to win and I get to make someone a winner. Giveaways are a way I can thank you guys for taking interest in my Joyful ramblings. Unfortunately, I can’t give you all a prize, but the giveaway did give you all the opportunity to win.However, there can be only one. The winner, chosen at random by the Rafflecoter app, of the Find Joy in the Journey necklace is Rachee Fagg!!!! There will be more giveaways this year, so stay tuned.
Are there any other ways to practice gratitude? Which of the above ways of practicing gratitude is most appealing to you?
I used to have a gratitude journal that I wrote in every day. This reminds me that I totally need to get back to that. Practicing gratitude is SO important, and the more you do it, the easier it gets. Practice makes perfect! 🙂
Pinning this! Thanks for linking up at Wordy Wednesday!
Such good tips! As much as I try to be thankful and gracious- it is SO EASY to get caught up in the convenience and business of life; and forget to be conscious of the small things. Thanks for posting! Found you on Wordy Wednesday!