Last week I started the How To Be A Better Blogger Blogalicious Style (HBBBS) series by going over what to wear to a blog conference. This week I am talking about the main thing I took away from the conference. The next post in the HBBBS series will be available after November 7th.
The official theme of Blogalicious 2011 was Making Masterful Connections. The theme of my experience at Blogalicious is You Can Do This! “THIS” is whatever inspires you, excites you, and gives you Joy! If you are a blogger you canand actually make a living blogging and working with brands. If you are a writer, you can turn your blog into a book. If you have a business (or want to start one) you can use blogging as a way to connect to your customers, to communicate with them in a personal way.You Can Do This!
When I started writing Chasing Joy It was more of an outlet for me to recover from grief and loss. I did know that bloggers made money but I did not really know how. At some point I heard about bloggers turning their blogs into books. However, I could not really figure out how I could turn my blog of random Joy related topics into a book. At Blogalicious I got a better idea of how to do these things. I did not get a how to turn your blog into a book or how to become a brand ambassador how to guide in my swag bag. I got something better. I got to listen to and talk with people who’d actually done these things. I got to make a masterful connection.
Everyone had a different method of getting from point A (Blog= this little thing I do online) to point B (Blog = Success as defined by the blogger). But, everyone did have the same message about getting there. That message was You Can Do This! The place to start is just Get Started and Take Action. This applies to not only blogging but any sort of endeavor. Trying something new is scary. But, you never know if you’ll succeed unless you try. If you have no clue where to start, make a list of the things you find Joy in and pursue them. Spend as much time as you can pursuing them. You may have to make some upfront sacrifices but it will be worth it in the long run if you get to actually make a living or supplement your living doing something you enjoy.
I really love Chasing Joy with all of you. Now I am thinking I Can Do This. Meaning I can actually do something more with this blog than just use it as a hobby and personal outlet. I can build a community of like minded people who want to Chase Joy too. Maybe I can turn this hodgepodge of Joy essays into a Book. It is scary to put more attention and time into something that others may view as frivolous. But it is also scary to me to spend the majority of my waking hours doing something that does not bring me joy and have no creative outlet. To spend more time Chasing Joy I will and have made sacrifices. Mostly in the form of time and sleep. I was up past my bed time finishing the Best of the Blogosphere post last night and now I am writing during my lunch at work. But to turn my blog into something Bigger, the sacrifice is worth it. I Can Do This!!
What is your “THIS”? What do you really find Joy in doing? What sacrificed are you prepared to make so You Can Do This?
If you have a Blog do you want to turn it into something Bigger? Do you want to work with Brands? Do you want to convert it into a Book?
Rose's Daughter I do know what you mean about that feeling when you write the perfect post:-)
I think things will be great for both of us as long as we persue what gives us joy. Regardless of any outward signs of success we will be better off for doing what makes us happy.
Thanks Sarah. I'm so happy that the inspiration came through the blog post. That is the exact way I felt and still feel after the blog conference.
I've found that I have real joy is photography! Kind of surprising to me! Also, you know when you've written that "perfect" blog post? I love that feeling too. So me and my time will be making sacrifices too! I hope it will turn out great for both of us!
I love reading your posts because they are so inspiring. Blogging is more work than I ever realized, but also invigorating. For me success is becoming a good writer, creating positive social change, and possible someday helping to support my family without having to be away from my son.