So I’m sure you all know that I just came back from my first ever blog conference, Blogalicious 2011. If you did not know, then you must not be following me on Facebook and Twitter (boy are you missing out) and you missed my vlog from the conference. I had an awesome time! I learned so much. I can’t wait to put it all into practice improving my blog and building a stronger and more fabulous community with you Joy Chasers.
I know that many of you also have blogs, so I want to share with you all that I learned at Blogalicious. But alas I don’t even know where to start. So while I organize my thoughts in preparation of providing you with an abundance of (HBBBS) How to be a Better Blogger, Blogalicious Style posts, I will entertain you with the answer to the question that had me most worried as the conference drew near. What Do You Wear To A Blog Conference?????
I attended the entire Blogalicious conference from Thursday evening to Sunday afternoon. I drove from Philadelphia to the National Harbor in Washington D.C. It’s about a three hour drive so I wanted to be both comfortable and stylish. The first night of the conference was more about entertainment before the panels, speakers, and breakout sessions were to start first thing Friday Morning. So I wore jeans and a nice shirt with silver embellishments and my most comfortable sandals. Yes, I know its October. I’m wearing them until my little toes start to freeze.
The about business part of the conference started bright and early Friday morning. I wanted to feel pretty, smart and confident. I wore my new knit sweater dress with tights and knee boots. Very fall appropriate. I would not have fit into this dress 6 months ago so just wearing it gave me the boost of confidence I’d need to walk into a room full of strangers. Friday was also the day I’d be meeting one of my Bloggie Idols, Amanda, from Parenting by Dummies. I wanted to make a good impression. Amanda was on an episode of What Not To Wear and I didn’t want her to direct dial Stacy and Clinton upon meeting me. Though, I would love to be on that show.
Saturday I was feeling more at ease and in the swing of things. I opted for wide leg dark dressy denim jeans with a flowy black top and my favorite silver sandals again.
Saturday Night was the pajama party. I was not sure if I was going to wear my PJs or not. I felt embarrassed at the thought of walking through the hotel in my night clothes. But I asked several other women attending the conference and a decent number were planning to don their PJs. So I did too. I wore black Capri length bottoms with a bright pink tank, black robe and black slippers. Now unlike when I am at home I did where a really good bra and spanks under my PJs. I was dressing for a pajama party and not really going to bed, after all.
Sunday was the last day of the conference and I admit that I had not given this day much thought. The conference ended around 2:00pm. From there I was driving to my brothers to celebrate my nephew’s birthday. I did end up wearing a suitable outfit for both occasions. I wore basic black pants and a bright sheer blue embellished top with a black tank underneath and once again my sandals. I was stylish enough for the conference and comfortable enough for driving several hours to my brother’s house and then back home. This outfit was also old enough where I didn’t mind getting some of my nephew’s birthday cake icing on it.
Overall what I’d suggest you wear to a blog conference is whatever you want. But, I do have one caveat, don’t be lazy. Don’t just pack your comfortable yet ratty old sweater, jeans, or sweats. Wear clothes that make you feel comfortable yet confident. Realize that you will be meeting some people for the first time and first impressions do last. Also realize if you are lucky you will be meeting people who have read your blog and how you are when they meet you in real life is how they will think of you every time they read one of your posts. So at your next blog conference wear something that makes you feel pretty, smart, confident, and Joyful.
Have you been to a blog conference or any other big event where you were not sure what to wear? What did you decide on and did it work for you?
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Occasionally I am required to attend a conference with mostly men. I love your advice to dress confidently yet comfortable. I had a friend suggest I wear a red dress. I'd definitely stand out amongst the blue oxfords and tan pants.
I always stress out about what to wear and I know I'd be nervous about my wardrobe at a blog conference!
You look great! Glad you had fun. I was so bummed that I couldn't make it to the conference.
You looked great the day I met you and I'm sure the others too! Glad you had so much fun at the conference! Blogalicious was my 1st real conference too!
Good Morning! I am looking forward to all the HBBB posts to come..and you looked really cute in all your outgits:-)
I heard that you need to wear comfy shoes. Anytime I go somewhere I wear things that are comfortable. You look nice in all your pics you changed up great being versatile in your wardrobe but sticking to key pieces are important.