Today is the first #MakeitHappenMonday of 2015. I know we are all knee deep in our resolutions and and goals for the new year. Most of our goals in some way tie back to us being happier and healthier, they do go hand and hand. We want to be more drink more water, get more sleep, become more fit, lose weight, etc…Those are all great things but what I want to encourage you to add to your #MakeitHappenMonday goals this week are health goals that include making doctor’s appointments and looking into and signing up for health insurance if you don’t already have it.
Its only Jan 5th and I’ve already crossed off one unpleasant doctor’s appointment from my list. I went to the eye doctor on Friday, 20/20 baby!. If you follow me on Instagram you know I am relieved. I was terrified and now I don’t have to go back for a year. I already have an appointment scheduled to check out my lady parts later this month. Lastly, one of my #MakeitHappenMonday goals for this week is to make an appointment for the dentist. Luckily I can focus on my health and these appointments without much financial worry because I have health insurance.
If you don’t have health insurance, now is the time to look into getting coverage. Now I am in no way an expert on health coverage but what I am an expert on is making lists, yall know I love making lists. So below is a list of resources (including videos) from United Health Care all about health insurance.
- Health Care Cost Estimator – Put in your age, zip code, and income and a list of health plans you may be eligible for will come up. For a 34 year old female, living in my zip code, who makes $30K, about 5 plans come up.
- The History of Health Insurance – Video
- What is Open Enrollment – Video. Important if you are getting insurance through your employer.
- What is the Health Insurance Marketplace? – Video. Important if you are getting insurance on your own.
- Qualifying Life Events – Video. Important if you are getting married or having a baby
- Glossary – Video. Definitions of common health care terms.
- How to choose the right insurance provider – Video
Our happiness and our health are deeply intertwined. It’s hard to feel Joyful when we are not feeling healthy. Now is the time to make our health a priority in 2015. Make those doctor’s appointments and get yourself health insurance if you don’t already have it. I hope these resourced are helpful. Visit United Health Care for even more valuable resources.
This is a sponsored Post. Zig Marketing has provided me with compensation for this post about Untied Health Care’s heath insurance information resources. However, all thoughts and opinions expressed herein are my own.
All good information. I'm always amazed at how folks under prioritize health insurance. Population health, focusing on wellness instead of illness, is the new way to view it.
Great info! I am the worst at getting myself to the doctor but I always make sure my kids are at the doctors if they are sick!
Excellent points – we do need to get our visits scheduled over here – Mr. Crafty is the WORST about doc visits!
Great tips! It's so important to stay on top of our health.
This is such great information! I realize now that I don't know as much about insurance as I thought.
Here in the US we have to carry insurance now or there is a tax penalty. They keep talking about this Affordable Healthcare Act, but let me tell you, there is nothing affordable about it.
I do know checkups are important., They really gives you peace of mind.
Great info! Lucky for us in Canada we get free health care however some things do cost. I couldn't imagine needing to be seen without insurance in the US. This is great!
Health insurance is so important. We recently switched our plan and had to go without it for a month. I was holding my breath hoping no one would get sick. The whole family did. I never want to be without health insurance again.
I spend more time at the doctor than I would like. I have to go once a week for myself and my son has a couple different therapies he has to go to every week, so we are at the doctor at least 3-5 hours ever week.
It is important to be prepared for the future. Health insurance is important to have. You never know when you will need it.
Having regular check ups is the key to catching issues before they get out of control. Being proactive I think is key to good health.
I too am going to be getting my appointments out of the way fairly soon. Just waiting to find out if my insurance was approved. Luckily, if it wasn't we have a great place in town that will work around income / no income for low cost visits. I am glad your eyes are good. That's the one appointment I don't like, but I've seen a lot of eye doctors myself being on the borderline of being legally blind.
It's time for my yearly checkup and our annual eye exams. I really need to work on getting all of these scheduled.
Our insurance costs just went up. I can't imagine having to pay for all my healthcare needs without it though.
I def need to schedule my yearly checkup. I am so diligent about it for the kids, but not myself, which is a mistake!
I have to schedule a check up. It's been a while since I went to the doctor.
I have health insurance, and my doctors tend to make my appointments a year out. I have no excuses to put off scheduling. 🙂
This is really great info. It's so important to stay covered. You never know what can happen!
This is really great information. We always make doctors and dentist appointments for Jan.
Good tips for anyone looking for health insurance. The New Year is the perfect time to evaluate
I need to get a full physical. I didn't have one last year and I should have since I've got various issues tat I need to have checked out! Health insurance….I think everyone should have access to it. Because everyone should have the right to a healthy life!
Here in Massachusetts, it's a requirement to have health insurance. If we don't have it, there is a HUGE tax penalty.
Great information.We do not need health insurance over here but we have it when we travel to different countries,January is not my favourite month as we have most of our main yearly check ups done this month.
I thought I knew a lot about insurance. Great info! Thx!
This is great! People tend not to appreciate insurance until they need it.