I certainly hope not. While I loved my 20’s I certainly don’t want to go back.
My 20s were finishing college and worrying about a getting a real job, taking a position and spending 2 and a half years hating it but too inexperienced to know it. I never sleep on a Sunday night because I was too anxious about going to work the next day. I thought this was normal and that everyone felt this way about their job.
My 20s was dating guys with no job or ambition, even dating a guy who actually got locked up on our date because they were cute and or funny; then dating assholes that did not care about me because they did have jobs and ambition, followed by dating men I was not even attracted too because they were upstanding member of society. All of which while fun at times was a complete waste of time.
My 20s were losing over 50lbs on weightwatchers only to gain it plus some back because I had not dealt with the real reasons I over used food.
My 20s were feeling like a teenager while making grown up decisions and living up to grown up expectations.
However, My 20s were also very good to me.
My 20s were getting my degree (Go TU. I’m an Owl for life)
My 20’s were building some great friendships and learning how to make an effort to maintain others.
My 20s were learning how to save for a goal and buying my own car and financing my 1st adult vacation.
My 20s were learning the Joy’s and sorrows of home ownership.
My 20s was choosing a career not just a job. (I admit it Government Contracting is it for me)
My 20’s was experiencing heartbreaks, disappointments, and the painful loss of a parent and realizing I am strong enough to go on even while it hurts and find my Joy.
If I can do all this in the 10 years from 20 to 29 imagine what I can learn and accomplish in my 30s and the Joy that I may find there.
Good thing you have memorable 20s in your life. I love my 20s. Thanks for flashing back for me. I always enjoy looking back with my old memories. It really makes me smile and thank all those days had happened because I'm very happy of what I am now.
The twenties were good years indeed. Thirties were equally fine. I've also experienced my forties… all but two months of them. I liked the twenties best of all.
Great Flashback! I also loved my 20's, but maybe glad they are over. I turned 30 in July and didn't even flinch. I am in a great place. Married to a great guy, have an adorable dog, great job, beautiful house, and my family is healthy!
We go through so much growth in our 20's. Hitting the next decade I feel like I'm going through another growth spurt. The world seems like a different place sometimes, even after only 10 years.
I wonder what you've learned since you originally posted this, dear one? I am thinking I should do a review of my life also. What I've come to know, how I've come to know it… along with all the blessings and joy (which far outnumber the sorrows – things have been tough for me the past few weeks and sometimes, in darkness, its tough to remember lightness.)
I chose a flashback friday post from two years ago, almost exactly. (October 19) when I visited with My Mom for a few days. She has Parkinson's disease which has gotten worse since then, and I am reminded to treasure times with her, no matter what shape she (or I!) am in.
Thank you, Beloved Shining One! for Flashback Friday!
Wow the twenties a lifetime ago. I became a wife to my handsome hubby. We will be married 36 years. In my twenties we were blessed with three babies. I learned to grow up be the best wife mommy and friend to my Hubby. Those were the most important parts of our life as i look back. You never stop growing together as a family. Now we have nine more gifts grandchildren. I love being there for all those fun moments. Love that I am young enough to dance to Justin B with them. Play on the floor and just get hugs. Thanks for flashing back for me today.
Shanita, I know what you mean about being 30 letting you be more honest abotu who you are. In my 20s i was often scared to be honest about what i really thought or felt for fear of hurting other people at 30 I am realizing my feelings and thoughts are just as important.
I feel free now that I'm 30. I have a better understanding of myself and I have a grip on being honest about who I am.
My 20's were good because I had no fear, Buying a fixer-upper? No problem. Actually fixing it?…. that's another story !!LOL!!! I think if I wanted to do that now, I would stop myself.
If there's a goal that I need to meet or something that I want to do, I just do it. My main issue that I had to deal with was complaining. I finally told myself. Stop complaining and fix the problem. If you can't fix it, leave it alone. That goes for money, dating, friends, almost everything.
I love 30 🙂
Coulnd't agree more – wouldn't want to go back to my 20s. I totally connected with what you were saying about what you accomplished in your 20s – and how you are ready to move on!
PROUD of where I have been and what I learned during that time – AND of how it has lead me to the HERE and NOW. In my early 30s and have never been happier or more at peace with myself and the decisions I am making.
Feel good about the person I have become (who was shaped by the person I was learning to be in my 20s)!