Can I move on to my FET, my frozen embryo transfer? I have come to terms with the failed fresh transfer. After talking to my doctor about the failed cycle all I want to know is can I get started with the FET?
After dreaded two week wait, the most nerve racking time is the time leading up to your next cycle. There are so many things that can pop up that prevent you from having the necessary fertility treatment to try again. In the past I have been delayed trying to lose weight. Most often I have been delayed because of developing a cyst on my ovary. This happened to me last year when I thought I was going to start IVF. Then I was further delayed because of the lab’s maintenance schedule. So, before I could start taking the estrogen and progesterone needed for my FET I needed to find out if I could even get started. Was it indeed time for my frozen embryo transfer.
The first hurdle I had to cross was going in for the day 3 tests. This consist of blood work and an ultrasound between the 2nd and 4th days after your period starts. In the case of my FET they were checking to make sure that I did not have ovarian cysts. If there were cysts then I will have to wait for them to resolve. In addition to looking for cysts they also check the uterine lining. The doctor wants to make sure is appropriately thin for that stage of the cycle. Even if the cycle day 3 tests are good I’d still have to come back in a couple of weeks to make sure the uterine lining thickened properly. Only then would I be given the ok to have the FET.
Now that you have some backgroud, check out today’s video of me going for my day 3 tests and finding out if I could move forward with my FET.
You’ll be fine. I have confidence in you.
Just have sex they say…It’s not as simple as that for some of us.
Private message me if you can.
Im at a loss for words and a have lot of mixed feelings. At least you’re not doing this alone like I did..I often wonder if things would have turned out better if I included more the journey..The process is foreign to many people…Just have sex
You get to see your lovely blastocysts. The visit is scheduled at day 5 of the blastocyst cycle. You decide how many you want to implant. My biggest worry was deciding if I was ok with the possibility of having multiples because you never know how it will divide. One of my embryos did not make the thaw. I was sad about that and said a prayer. First try we put one. Second try we put two..One good..And one not so good. I didn’t have to decide to destroy life/embryo… body..God…decided. Which was one of my worries.