IVF can suck! Not too many things in life suck as much as a negative pregnancy test when you want to have a child except a negative test after you’ve paid tons of money, taken off time from work, given yourself needles in the stomach and butt, had your support person take off work, and had surgery all as part of IVF. That is what happened to me. If you did not see last weeks baby making update video you missed me taking tons of home pregnancy tests that were all negative. The BETA blood test also ended up being negative. Tears were shed. Lots of tears 🙁
Fortunately I have been Chasing Joy for over seven years now and have developed a certain amount of resilience. My bounce back game is strong. So after a few days and stopping the progesterone I was feeling better and ready to start thinking about my next steps.
The fresh embryo transfer was unsuccessful but I am not calling this IVF a failure yet. I had a total of 5 embryos to make it to 5 day blasts after the retrieval. That means I still have 4 more chances using the frozen embryos. Being a mom has been in my heart since I was a little girl. I cannot imagine living my happy joyful life without experiencing motherhood. So I will not give up! Instead I focused forward and decided to try again with a frozen embryo transfer using 1 of the 4 remaining embryos.
Check out the video below from my YouTube Channel. In it go into detail about my next steps after the failed IVF transfer.
Have you experienced a huge disappointment like a failed IVF cycle? What did you do to bounce back? Have you had a Frozen Embryo Transfer? I am open to any an all advice. Thanks for your support Joy Chasers!