Monday!!!! Not many people’s favorite day of the week. It does not bother me because I avoid coming down with a case of the Mondays. One way I do that is by using Monday to figure out the week. Most noteworthy that includes penciling in time for things that bring me joy. Do you know what brings you joy?
The reason that I ask do you know what brings you joy is because a lot of us don’t. I admit that I have been guilty of this in the past. I do online dating and inevitably a new guy will ask me “what do you do for fun“. I draw a blank every time, LOL. I don’t know why that question seems to cause that reaction. Fortunately, after a moment I am always able to answer the question listing a few things that give me joy. Similarly, when I asked a friend what she enjoyed doing she said “I don’t really know”. Finally, through some back and fourth we did identify some things that gave her joy despite her initially not knowing.
If you are like most of us and draw a blank when asked what brings you joy, here are a few suggestions. Feel free to adopt these for your own joyful pursuits or to disregard. Afterall, we all have different ideas of fun. These are just for inspiration.
Things that bring me joy:
Spending time with friends
Eating at fancy restaurants
Laying on the beach
Going to the Spa
Listening to Elvis Duran In The Morning Show
Staying at Hotels
Watching my favorite TV Shows in real time
Listening to Audio Books
Going to live sports
Finishing a workout (Notice I said finishing and not actually doing the work out, LOL.)
I hope my list gives you inspiration to make your own list if you can’t readily explain what brings you joy. Now that you have spent a few minutes thinking about it. Take out your calendar and pencil in some time (or times) this week to engage in the activities that bring you joy. This week I have listening to Elvis Duran in the morning show penciled in for the mornings Tuesday through Thursday. I also have spending time with friends and eating at a fancy restaurant penciled in for Friday.
I will ask you again, do you know what brings you joy? Now, I hope the answer is yes. What joyful activities will you be penciling in for this week?
I am who I think I am. I am who I say I am. I am a mother.