A few days before my mom died she asked me what I was going to do right after “it” happens. It being her passing away. I told her that I would ask my cousin to help me with the arrangements and then I would go to Vegas. We both laughed. The Vegas part was kind of a joke, she knew how much I enjoy Las Vegas, but little did I know that’s exactly what was going to happen. My aunt ended up needing to use a week of her time share by the end of April. She allowed me to use the week and I was off, Chasing Joy in Las Vegas in your mid 30s.
I love Las Vegas. I have not been to Disney yet. So, so far Las Vegas is the most fun place I’ve ever been. The last time I was there I went for Blogalicious. This time I went to have fun and to check out of real life (life without mom) for a few days. Being a little older since the last time I was in Vegas I made a few observations about what it is like Chasing Joy in Las Vegas in your mid 30s.
When you are Chasing Joy in Las Vegas in your mid 30s you are:
- young enough to party in the club with 20 year olds and get hit on.
- too old to know the words to half the songs they play in the club. However, you will know the songs beats and most of the hooks.
- more comfortable at a lounge/ bar with a good DJ, room to dance, and most importantly a place to sit.
- old enough to hold your liquor and not have a hangover.
- young enough where the influence of said liquor can get you into some trouble with the aforementioned guys from the club. But what happens in Vegas… right? LOL!
- mature enough so that hangovers are not an issue but, getting to bed after daybreak comes with a similar physical downside minus the nausea and dizziness.
- young enough to let loose and have some much needed fun.
- mature enough to qualify for a truly awesome deal on a timeshare.
- mature enough to not make such a deal because… the way my bank account is set up…
- able to vacation with a nice enough budget to fit in a few comedy and Cirque Du Soleli shows.
- mature enough to know you can not party your problems away. However, vacation is a fun and necessary break from reality. I suggest you schedule one soon.
When was your last get away? Were you able to really let loose and have fun? Have you visited Las Vegas in your mid 30s? Tell me about your experience.
I went to Vegas in 2008 and had a blast.
Wayne Brady had a comedy residency there so I went to see his show.
My last solo vacation was in 2013 when I went to Los Angeles by myself and had a blast!
I love Las Vegas! I definitely can relate to how different things are in your 30s and 20s. I turn 40 this summer and I definitely don’t think I could live it up in Vegas like I used to! 🙂
Vacationing in my thirties now means better accommodations, no more seedy motels, people’s couches or anything with less then a 3 star rating. My favorite city to visit is Chicago, i could go every year, great food, scenery and so much to do. I’m glad you enjoyed your trip, I’m sure it took a great deal of strength to keep moving forward. God Bless you on your journey.
I’ve only been once. It was a nice visit. My in-laws LOVE Vegas like no other. 🙂
I love gaming trips! Las Vegas, Atlantic City, CT, Puerto Rico, I love my one armed bandits! 😉
Las Vegas is a whole lot of fun! I’m also very sorry for your lose, but a run for joy in Vegas that while surely, make anybody happy!
Las Vegas is a good place to just let go and loosen up a bit. This vacation was well-deserved and I’m sure you had a lot of fun!
Las Vegas really has a different meaning for you than most with your mother. It really is unlike anywhere else in the U.S. My last getaway was with a group of bloggers for a retreat. Lots of food, learn and laughs.
I have never been to Las Vegas but it is on my bucket list to enjoy with my husband. I hope to visit in my 30’s!
Your list made me giggle several times. It sounds like you had a great time. I am sorry for the loss of your mom. That would definitely call for an adventure to “chase some joy”.
I went to Vegas for the first time January right after my dad died. It was nice to get away without the kids to refocus.
Yes, love Vegas! You just gotta know how to do it right. Sorry about your mom, I hope you are doing well
Las Vegas is on my bucket list. I would love to see the shows and enjoy the night life just one time before I die.
haha I love the young enough to be in a club and get hit on! I’m now in my 40’s and when I get hit I want to take out an ad- LMAO Vegas is so much fun!
I have never been to Las Vegas before, I am in my mid 30’s as well. I love that you were able to enjoy this!
Planning to go later this year.
You’re not look at mid 30’s, I think we should enjoy everything no matter the number of our age is. And Vegas is my dream come true I’m sure you also had fun there.
Sounds like you can have a ton of fun in Vegas in your 30’s. I am looking forward to going back this year.
I have not been to Vegas yet, but would definitely love to while I’m still in my 30’s. I only have 3 years to get this planned, so I better get a move on it!
I love this post as I can relate and I just turned 30 this year! I went to Vegas for the first time in my late 20s and I related to your list as someone in their mid-30s. 30s is a fun age of fun and wisdom. Its like 20s but we have more sense! LOL we still have a lot of fun!
Those bullet points are so true for everyone in this age. Las Vegas always has a lot of worthy locations so in my opinion, you aren’t missing out if you haven’t landed on Disney yet.
Sounds like you had an enjoyable time in Vegas. Last time I was there I spent a lot of time in Nature and went rafting below the hoover dam… soaking in hot springs and hot sauna caves. Would love to do that trip over again. A very different side to Vegas, but it was enjoyable.
I have never been to Las Vegas, but it is one thing that I want to do before I turn 30. I really think Las Vegas is something that needs to be done at least once in your life.
I’ve had fun on short trips to Las Vegas. I have never really been able to explore it freely though. The club scene sounds like a blast.
I am a lifetime Las Vegas local, so I know all about dealing with this city. I completely agree on the tips you mentioned and am so glad my city treated you well.
Oh Las Vegas! Would love to visit some day… Hopefully by the time I hit my mid 30s I’ll get to experience the fun!
I have always wanted to visit Las Vegas. It does sound like a fun place especially the way you wrote about it!