Pins of Kindness

K is for Kindness. For the month of April I will be posting every day except Sunday for the #AtoZChallenge. I do not normally post on Saturdays (Chasing Joy's Normal Posting Schedule is Monday, Wednesday, and Friday). So I figured I'd keep things light today. I hope you will enjoy these Pins on kindness from Pinterest. The world would be a much more Joyful place if were were all a little kinder to each other and ourselves. Are you on Pinterest? I'd love to follow you all on … READ MORE
#FlashbackFriday: J is for Joy

J is for Joy What else would J stand for on the Chasing Joy blog :-) There are good things happening to and around us all the time. Most of the time we are to busy and distracted by our day to day responsibilities to notice. We'd all be a little closer to catching a bit of joy if we learned to take notice of these moments. So before we dive into the #FlashbackFriday linky here are a few moments from the last week that gave me joy. The time immediately following every single … READ MORE
What If???

I is for If as in What If. So we all know Negative Thinking is not allowed around here. One train of thought that often leads me into negative thinking is What If thinking. You know how What If thoughts go. What if my new job is too hard? What if I the new neighbors are unfriendly? What if my friends don't like the new guy I'm seeing? You notice how these What If thoughts are almost always negative. Really, we should not even waste our brain power on these What Ifs. But that is … READ MORE
A Healthy Body Is A Joyful Body

H is for Health. I am less than two weeks away from completing the #100DaysofFitness challenge. Unfortunately, no matter how much I exercise I won't be healthy carrying this much extra weight. Exercise is hard, but I find it much easier to work out every day than to control what I eat. I'm sure some of you can relate and others of you are like that's crazy. We all have different weaknesses. Food is mine. I decided to join Weight Watchers to help me get control … READ MORE
4 Ways to Practice Gratitude

G is for Giveaways and Gratitude! If you want more Joy in your life one of the easiest things to do is to practice gratitude. In most cases it is hard to feel both grateful and sad or angry simultaneously, so count those blessings. In those unfortunate times, when life is really kicking your butt, practice gratitude. Counting your blessings may not lift you completely out of the darkest times, but it can serve as a reminder that not everything is bad, that there are still good … READ MORE