So this week tell me, what’s your pleasure??? You know, what are those things you love to indulge in when no one is around, no one can see you, and no one can judge you? Don’t worry your secrets are safe with me 🙂 Keep in mind these are also the things you can do to improve the quality of your alone time, and we learned in I Am Worth The Cheese Dip how important it is to make alone time special.
So here are a few of my Guilty Pleasures:
• I love watching Real Housewives on Bravo. New York is my favorite but I also like NJ and Atlanta. I have never gotten into Orange County though.
• Of course now I am also watching Bethany’s Getting Married the Real Housewives of New York spin off.
• I love to lick the bowl, beaters, and spoon whenever I do any baking.
• I love eating cake or pie right out of the cake or pie plate
• I like Gray Goose with just about anything
• When I am feeling particularly stressed I scream in my car while driving. No one can hear me and It does make me feel better.
• I don’t know if prayer could be considered a Guilty Pleasure but I do it all the time: God please let me get a parking spot, God please don’t let anyone at work ask me anything that I don’t know how to do, God forgive me for gossiping, etc, etc, etc… I sometimes wonder if God is tired of hearing my voice. LOL
• I Love to sleep in on the weekends especially in freshly washed 600 thread count sheets
• I Love Gertrude Hawke Chocolates
• I Love Cold Stone Creamery
• I Love Showers. I have been know to use all of the hot water.
• Any type of Mafia movie or TV show fiction or non-fiction.
• Colombo – this is all I’ve been getting off of Netflix for the last few months. Embarrassing but I love it.
Take some time today and this weekend to induldge in your guilty pleasure and take note of the Joy they bring. If you’re brave enough comment and tell us what your guilty pleasures are.
Hmmm… My guilty pleasures are dark chocolate covered pomegranate, about once a year powdered donuts w/coco, watching romantic comedies like How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days and The Ugly Truth, lying in bed all day reading a book, Julie Garwood and Nora Roberts Mysteries or magical with romance (not the oowee gooey stuff from their earlier writing) from cover to cover in one sitting, anything creamy, sticky, and sweet with dark chocolate and a glass of Moscato or Chianti Classico wine (just depends if I am in the mood for red or white). I am sure I have more but I can't think of them.
Sex in the City was my favorite and I miss it! Love watching the re-runs of the movies too! I haven't watched the other HBO series – too busy on computer these days 🙂 I still like licking the bowl too even though its not healthy with the eggs.
Giiiirrrrll, we have a couple of these in common! I love the oreo overload at cold stone creamery and totally lick the bowl, beaters, and spoons from cake mix especially.
One of my guilty pleasures is Karaoke at home along. I swear I sound the bomb when the bass and music is up!! LOL