A while ago I used to post Way To Go Wednesday status updates on the Chasing Joy Facebook Page. I have not done an update like that in a while. But today I have an awesome Way To Go Wednesday shout out to Char Power for having a positive attitude in the face of major health hurdles and Chasing Joy whole heartedly.
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I first met Char at Women Get Social when The SITS Girls brought the conference to Philadelphia. She had such a positive attitude and zest for life. She was so upbeat and joyful that I had no idea of her health struggles until you mentioned having kidney disease. We became friends on Facebook and I kept up with her through her status updates. It was through a Facebook update that I came across Char’s Go Fund Me campaign and learned just how serious her situation was. Char has faced and is facing more than most of us have yet she has an amazing attitude. After learning more about Char’s heath struggles I felt compelled to interview her about how she manges to Chase Joy through it all. My emailed questions to Char and her responses are below:
Tell me about your Kidney Disease?
Well, I had a series of medical issues that went on for the better part of a year that my doctor had treated as individual events. By the time they finally realize what was going on my kidneys had already failed. Ironic that Doctor No longer works with the practice anymore. Once my kidneys have failed there was nothing that could be done medically at that point so I had to begin meeting with a nephrologist to discuss my options. I decided that doing dialysis at home is the best option for me because it allowed me to maintain some level of my independence while getting treatment.
Three years into the treatment I started getting sick and by Christmas eve of last year (2014) my body had completely shut down to the point that I couldn’t walk or even lift my hands above my head. I spent the better part of six months in the hospital or in rehab and learning how to walk in 2015.
The reason I say kidney disease was a gift and a curse was because if it wasn’t for the fact that I was being evaluated for a kidney transplant they would never have discovered the cancer that was brewing in my cervix. I was able to have that surgery and have that completely taken care of in 2013 and can now exclaim that you know that I’m cancer free!
So while I hate having kidney failure and cannot stand going to dialysis I will be forever thankful that I was able to have those test done to discover and a eliminate the cancer out of my body. Kidney failure saved my life!
When we meet at Women Get Social you were so upbeat and positive. How do you stay Joyful given your health struggles? How have others helped you over the last few years?
My faith and friendships are the only thing that have kept me from cracking. I have an amazing team of people that have been in my corner since I was 17 years old. From cooking meals to taking me to and from medical appointments to even sitting with me while I make homemade pretzels they’ve always been there.
How do you keep going on your bad days, when you are feeling down?
Honestly I sleep, listen to music, read, and eat. Not Always in that order.
What kinds of activities and things give you Joy?
I love learning new techie things so I spend a lot of time on the computer or my iPad app playing around with software. I love watching murder mysteries. And, I totally enjoy cooking and recently baking.
Has Faith been an important factor in your life?
Faith has been an important factor in my life for as long as I can remember. We all need a little faith in something to get through, get by, and get over things.
Has gratitude had an impact on your life since your diagnosis?
When I tell you I am forever grateful for the people that have been placed in my path and those that have decided to stick around it’s unbelievable. I know that it is not something that I’ve done to deserve this kind of support, so yes, gratitude is huge in my book
Do you practice any kind of self-care (manicures, pedicures, favorite foods, etc to keep you feeling good?
I really wish I could say yes but no I haven’t been in so long. A friend of mine paid for a manicure for me this summer when I was in a rehab recovering and that was wonderful.
Do you set goals or try new things to keep your mid focused on positive things?
I’m always trying something new. Trying to learn a new skill or figure out what my next plan is. All the littlest things require learning new things and keeping up with things that are going on around you
Why did you create the Char Power Go Fund Me campaign?
I created a little over a week ago. A friend of mine asked me about it on Monday two weeks ago and I never consider doing anything like that. I thought about it for a couple of days, wrote the campaign, and submitted it on that Saturday night.
What do you want people to know about you, your illness, or your go fund me campaign?
I felt like in order for people to assist me they need to know about my background. If they have never read one of my blog post or if they’re not friends with me on Facebook then they don’t know any of the things that have been going on and what I’ve been going through. So they know that my concerns and my need is legit.
If you are looking for ways to give back or to be philantropic please consider contributing to Char Power Go Fund Me Campaign. Every little bit helps. Char’s Go Fund Me Account donation amount request is $8,616.00 to cover 6 months of expenses for the following:
Rent $850.00/month x 6 months = $5,100.00
Transportation 136.00/month x 6 months = $816.00
Utilities (Electric, Heat, Water) $300.00/month x 6 months = 1,800.00
Medication $150.00/month x 6 months = $900.00
Find Char’s Go Fund Me Campaign here > https://www.gofundme.com/CharPower
Read Char’s Blog > http://www.charmaineparrish.com/
Follow her on Twitter > https://twitter.com/charpower
Check out her Pictures on Instagram > https://www.instagram.com/charpower/
We can all look to Char for inspiration on how to get through tough times in life. Let’s remember her in our thoughts and prayers and spread the word about the Char Power Go Fund Me Campaign.
I think it's so great that you are sharing her story. Wow what a fighter you are Char!
This is so awesome! She is a strong survivor and you are a selfless advocate. Thank you for sharing!
What a blessing you are to help a fellow blogger in physical need! Sharing and tell her story on your blog is a blessing…God BLess Char and I hope she raises the money she needs and finally get this kidney transplant she deserves!
I love that she is joyful while fighting this. So many people give up and become angry. Great lessons to learn
Such and inspiring story, thanks for sharing.
Kudos to Char for keeping on during the not so cute days. Thanks for sharing such a personal story. All the best to Char and her health.
Char has such a beautiful spirit, thank you for sharing her story with us. Very inspiring!
This was such an inspirational story. Kudos to you for including this type of segment on your blog and Facebook page to help others chase joy 🙂
Char's story is so inspirational and it's so amazing to have the opportunity to learn about such an amazing woman. I wish her all the best.
Char sounds like someone I would like to meet. What an impact she has had on your life, and now everyone who reads about her as well. Amazing woman with a true purpose!
Char sounds like a very powerful amazing woman. Being positive I think is contagious.
What an inspiration Char is. I wish her nothing but the best.
What an inspiration through so much adversity. Where so many would have dug a hole of depression, Char just sines through with positivity.
I always think your site is inspirational.
These are a great array of questions!
This is such a powerful inspirational story. I like her personality I hope she achieve her goals.
What an inspirational story. Her attitude is amazing.
Char's story is very inspirational. I hope she is able to reach her donation goals.
Char's story is so inspirational. It's good to see she has a strong support system and I pray for her! She is a strong fighter and positive which is hard with circumstances like this.
Char sounds like a lovely young lady and it's wonderful that she has an strong support system. It's amazing that they were able to catch the cancer early on because of her kidney failure.
Wow, what an amazing woman Char is. Many people would not be as upbeat and positive as she is when facing all of those problems.
I love Char's positive attitude and she definitely sounds like a fighter. My husband will be making his first trip to the Nephrologist in the next few weeks so we understand how scary kidney disease can be.
I love your outlook on life, even with the struggles you have faced. It's great that you remain so positive and full of faith!
That's amazing that one procedure lead to the discovery of her cancer… I always get my checkups and make sure to prevent what I can.
Kidney failure is such an awful disease. Char sounds like such a struggle person!
Char is a champion and she sounds amazing. Praying she meets her go fund me goal!
It sounds like she's faced some major battles in her life. I'm glad she's still going strong. I hope she gets lots of funding.
Thanks so much for sharing. It helps me to choose joy right now – what an inspirational story!!!
Thank you for sharing this inspirational story. I hope that Char is able to get the support she needs and will continue to have a positive outlook on life. Much love and prayers.
She sounds like one heck of a woman and she is such a fighter. Thanks for sharing her story here today!
Char's story is so inspirational! I think it should how far having a positive outlook will get you. I wish her a speedy recover and hope her health takes a turn for the better.
All the Best,
Allison | http://www.LiveLifeWellBlog.com
Thank you Becca. I find joy and inspiration in normal everyday moments.
Char sounds like a really inspirational woman! I can't believe all she has gone through and is still going through!