Happy Day after Christmas guys. Christmas has passed. It’s time to focus on the New Year, specifically time to prepare yourself for an awesome 2017.
I hope you had a great Christmas! As my dad would say it wasn’t the year of the bad Christmas. That in itself was an accomplishment considering this was my first Christmas without my mom. Highlights from my Christmas include making a Christmas Card featuring my cats and finishing out #Vlogmas with a crazy Facebook Live video featuring my cousins.
Now it’s time to set ourselves up for a great 2017. To do that we need to be intentional and focused. To help us figure our what to be intentional about and what to focus on, here are 5 questions to ask to prepare yourself for an awesome 2017.
- What are some of your fondest memories from 2016? Take note of what made it special, who you were with and what you were doing. This will give you insight into what kinds of activities give you joy and what relationships add to your happiness.
- What was your low point? Take note of who showed up for you offering support. Also notice who you felt comfortable opening up to during that time. You’ll probably notice some overlap in the people from questions 1 and 2. These people should be your inner circle. These are the relationships that you should invest in in 2017.
- What was your greatest accomplishment and why? This should give you some insight on what is truly important to you. This is the area of your life that you will want to focus your time and resources in in 2017.
- What did it take to achieve it? Use your past success as a benchmark for future goals. Look at what worked and apply those techniques as you develop and work on goals in 2017.
- What is the greatest lesson 2016 taught you? Sometimes our greatest lessons come from our successes. Sometimes they come from our failures. Sometimes these lessons just come from life events. No matter where your lesson came from take note of all that you learned and apply those lessons as you prepare for and throughout 2017.
Don’t you want to prepare yourself for an awesome 2017? How would you answer these questions? I am going to answer some of these questions myself this week on social media so make sure you are following me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.
These are excellent reflective questions to ask yourself. It’s easy to see the bad so digging a little deeper will help us see the good .
I’ve probably asked myself all of these except my low point. I really hadn’t given it much thought but you give a good reason why that’s a good idea.
My low point was I hired a Publicist that did nothing but get a check. I will never do that again.
These are great questions and ones that I jotted down to get prepared for 2017. Thanks for this post, I needed this!
My greatest take away from 2016 is that I need to say ‘NO’ more to the things I really don’t want to do and that are not beneficial. After all ‘NO’ is a complete statement. In 2016 I started doing more things and events that are beneficial to my blog and in 2017 I will continue and step that up!
The greatest lesson for me in 2016 is that I need to do more to get where I want to be. I need to not be afraid to ask for what I’m worth. Dimming my shine is only hurting me. In 2017 I won’t be doing that, I am going to own my greatness.
Great Questions and especially when it comes to blogging. Im going to sit and answer these questions to see what direction I want to go in. I worked HARD the last quarter and it paid off but do I want to go hard like that year around!
I started a jar where I documented my blessings for the year. I never really thought of asking myself about my low point. These are all great questions to help put 2016 to rest and start off 2017 right.
I hadn’t really sat down to reflect on my 2016 because quit frankly, it was a really tough year for ,e & most moments I’d rather forget. However, I made it through so what I want to focus on this year is health, wealth & happiness. 2016 taught me to focus more on me.
That is a good set of questions! I never asked myself what my low point was. I know what it was, but man. I don’t even think I can verbalize it – it was so dang low. These are some great questions to start the year. Here’s to a great 2017!
Now these are some sit down and really thought provoking questions. A great way to recap your year to focus new beginnings for a new year. I will have to ponder on some of these over the weekend. Thanks for sharing!
This is a great list of questions to ask myself as I begin the new year. I’ll definitely take some time and give all of this some though