The more we focus on gratitude the more Joy we feel. It is hard to be both grateful and sad simultaneously. I am striving or 1000 things for which I am grateful. Join me!
- Family
- Friends
- Health
- Home
- Job
- Hobbies
- Vacation
- Relationships
- Laughter
- Pets
- Having Enough To Eat
- Democracy
- Freedom of Religion
- The Internet
- Flowers
- Zumba
- Happy Memories
- Spa Treatments
- Modern Medicine
- Health Insurance
- iPad
- Having my own car
- Pedicures
- Sleeping Late
- Peanut (my cat)
- Polka Dots (I love wearing them)
- Sequence and other bling
- Family Recopies
- Coach purses
- The Single Mother By Choice community
- Modern Reproductive Medicine
- Ceiling Fans
- The Daily Bread devotionals
- A Flexible work schedule
- Salvation
- Prayer
- White gold and silver jewelry
- Work bonuses
- Blogging
- My mom’s support of my journey to becoming a mom.
- Casinos (not a typical thing to be thankful for but I enjoy them)
- My discount at the Fertility Clinic
- Blogalicious
- Being able to work from home
- My new bedroom furniture
- The glitter I added to the paint on my bedroom wall. (sparkles make me happy)
- Ceramic elephants that remind me of my grandmother
- The prenatal vitamins making my hair beautiful.
- Online dating because no-one wants to play matchmaker for me.
- My nephews connecting my Wii to the internet and connecting my Netflix
- Uneventful and calm vacations with my mom
- Swimming Pools
- That my cat can be left alone for a few days without being boarded
- My salary
- Passive Income
- A desk job that is not physically arduous
- My college school ring
- My degree
- My ability to do basic math
- Holidays
- That I am healthy enough to give back by participating in charity races.
- When things I was nervouse about turn out good
- When my cat does silly things that make me laugh
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