A couple of years ago, at the close of 2011, I wrote a blog post on the 12 things I needed to leave behind in 2011 to have a more 2012. So here we are almost 2 years later, 2 years further into this journey Chasing Joy, 2 years older, with 2 years more life experience under my belt, yet I am still carrying many of these things, things that I was supposed to leave behind in 2011, with me at the end of 2013.
My list of things to leave behind included the following:
1. Debt
2. Excess Weight
3. Clutter
4. Fear
5. Dehydration
6. Addiction
7. Loneliness
8. Control
9. Lateness
10. Ego
11. Guilt
12. Shame
Of these 12, I have made considerable progress with three of them, Ego, Guilt, and Fear. Rather than holding myself to some sort of higher standard as though I am somehow more capable than others, I focus on the fact that we all have way more in common that different so there is no reason to hold myself to a different set of standards. Getting my ego under control has also helped with the guilt. I don’t have to take on everything that happens in my life as though I am solely responsible. Some things just happen and other things result from other peoples actions. I don’t have to take on responsibility and associated guilt for those things.
Fear is the area in which I have made the most progress. This blog has truly pushed me out of my comfort zone. I have attended events by myself, traveled out of state by myself, learned to ask for help, pushed myself to do some public speaking, and learned to be more open about my feelings, fears, and desires. While I think It will be a while before I can do these things without giving myself a pep talk the important thing is I’ve learned to give the pep-talk and do things that help me have the life I want.
Then there are the other 9 things on the list. Things have improved but there Is still much to be desired.
1. Debt – This is getting better but I still slip up now and again and spend more than I should. Learning to live within my means is definitely a process.
2. Excess Weight – Oh my gosh. This has been a life long struggle. Some days I feel I’m making progress and others I don’t. But I have not given up. In fact I have joined a new diet bet. This one is longer term with a goal of 10% weight loss in 6 months. Click here >> Join Dietbet << if you have a few lbs to lose.
3. Clutter – This is getting better. Yay!
4. Dehydration – This is not good at all right now. Despite having downloaded a cool app that reminds me to drink water. I still don’t get anywhere near the amount I should.
5. Addiction – No not drugs but close. Sugar!!! I am losing this battle.
6. Loneliness – I still have not found my Mr. Joy Chaser yet. But I have gone on more dates lately. Actually I may have my eye on someone. Too early to say for sure 🙂
7. Control – Ugh!! This is a hard one. I just want things to be the way I want! Don’t you? I know I sound like a two year old but that is how I feel. I have much work to do in learning to stop trying to control things and trust people to do what they are supposed to do and trust God to take care of everything.
8. Lateness – This is improving somewhat, but not enough.
9. Shame – I still have much room to grow in this area. Logically I know I don’t have anything to feel shame about. However, I let thoughts of how other people view me and comparisons to other people’s lives creep in. That leads to the feeling of shame. I think the key here will be to not worry about what others think and not compare myself to others. Instead I should compare myself (my lifestyle, and my decisions) to my values.
While it might be unrealistic to think that by merely declaring that I won’t be taking these things with me into the next year I will solve the problems. However, acknowledgement is a start. So, as I start thinking positively about all that I want for myself in 2014 I acknowledge that the 12 things listed in this post are not included. As a matter of fact I will add one more.
Disorganization! Disorganization in my life is not welcomed in 2014. Being more organized will help me with so many of the things I have struggled with including clutter, lateness, debt and excess weight. Kicking disorganization to the curb would greatly improve my life. If I were more organized maybe I would be less distracted and able to see all the progress I am making in Chasing Joy
Including disorganization there are 13 things I want to leave behind in 2013. Part of having a more joyful life is being happier with ourselves. While that includes being happy with our flaws and all, there is a certain level of satisfaction and sense of accomplishment that comes from self-improvement. Are there areas of your life that you would like to improve on? What things do you want to leave behind in 2013?
Great things to leave behind! Good luck in 2014!
I love this post! I think that it's cook to look over your past experience and learn from your past. Congrats on all the success!
I love this post! I wish to leave all those in 2013 and on… well put chasing joy!
Thanks Checky. It's a process but I know we can do it.