Happy Monday Joy Chasers!!! It is Monday and we are Making it Happen. No Case of the Mondays for us. We have Reinvented Monday as a day for setting goals both long term and short.
Today I am not just setting some goals but also creating a visual to help me focus on them and quite frankly to make goal setting a little more fun. Melissa, a Joy Chaser, gave us the idea a few weeks ago when we were posting our weekly goals on Facebook. She told us all about her visual, which she called a Goal Board. Melissa said “I look at this daily and make sure that I try to abide by what is written on it. This is a great way to stay focused and keep one’s mind fresh when we get lost or sidetracked.”
Last week I got some materials and started making my Goal Board. I invited you all to join me by making your own Goal Board for Chasing Joy’s first craft project. Did you make one? If you did not do you plan too? It’s not too late. If you email me a picture I’ll include your Goal Board on Chasing Joy’s Facebook page. Or you can upload your own if you have already “liked” the page.
Above is a picture of my Goal Board. I decided to call mine a Joy Board. You know I’m all about JOY. Believe it or not setting goals and accomplishing them can make you feel really good. As does making the Goal Board – playing with stickers, glue, and maybe a little glitter (think back to arts and crafts class).
My Joy Bored is made of inexpensive poster board attached to a cork board. I have decorated it with stickers that say things like JOY, DREAM, GOALS, and HAPPINESS. I also found several rhinestone stickers because everything is better with a little Bling. I added dry erase white board on which I listed my short term goals which include AM workouts, packing for vacation, purchasing a new battery charger, some home maintenance, and visiting my brother. I added a small cork board as well. On the cork board I have attached Post It notes that describe my longer term goals which include my ultimate goal weight, running a 5k, cutting sugar, getting some plumbing work done, and paying of my credit cards.
I have also attached other Post It notesto the bottom of the board. One set of Post It notes has my current weight on it and I get to throw away the top sheet, revealing my new lower weight as I drop pounds. The other group of Post It notes has my running minutes goals. I get to throw away the top sheet as I build my endurance up and complete the minutes goal, revealing my new longer minutes goal. I am excited to start tearing post it’s off. I also have included several other clips and push pins to the board so that I can add new goals, pictures, or anything inspirational that will help me reaching my goals.
Tell me about your Goal Board. What do you or will you call it? What kinds of goals do you/ will you have listed on it? Do you think having a visual representation of your Goals will make you more focused and likely to achieve them?
I hope your Goal Board will bring you Joy. I think mine will.
This is such a great idea! I tried posting a short list of monthly goals on my wall but it wasn't very motivational – maybe something a bit more interactive would inspire me to accomplish those goals.
This is a really cute idea. It is a living and breathing vision board of your life. I would like to do something like this for my family activities.
WOW, this is a great idea. There's something about writing it all down that just makes it more real! Now I think i'm gonna have to make one.
Found you through #commenthour!
Thanks Missy, Miz, and Sarah. I hop you all make your own boards. If so please share a picture with it on the facebook page https://www.facebook.com/JoyChasing
This is a great idea! I love how bright and cheery your board is! There should be some website like Pinterest where you can create an online inspirational board like this. I might have to start one for my goals for my blog!
I love this board! I need one for August alone – August tends to be a challenging month around here. Visiting from #commenthour and just subscribed. Talk to you soon!