I am not quite feeling myself. This is not the first time that this has happened. It happened the first time two years ago and has happened yearly since. It’s called PBS. Symptoms of PBS include feelings of extreme excitement coupled with indecisiveness. Mild attention deficit disorder and inability to focus on one idea or course of action. Wrist strain or pain from aggressive note taking. Increased attachment to a Laptop, iPad, Smart Phone or all of the above. A spike in the number of twitter accounts being followed. Symptoms can last anywhere from days, weeks, or even months from initial onset.
I am not alone in suffering from PBS. The first cases occurred 5 years ago. Hundreds were found to be afflicted in Atlanta. Each year since the number of cases has increased and spread throughout the country including outbreaks in Las Vegas and Washington D.C. This condition, PBS, is Post Blogalicious Syndrome and I am proud to be infected.
Blogalicious 5 (#Blogalicous5) was this past weekend in Atlanta and it did not disappoint. That says a lot considering this was my 3rd Blogalicious conference and I went with high expectations. I have pages and pages of notes from the speakers, breakout sessions, and round table discussions. The problem is I am in full blown a PBS outbreak right now. I”m so excited about everything that I learned I can’t decide what to tell you about first, how to connect better with your readers, how to grow using Pinterest, or how to use social media to promote a book. I just can’t decide!!!
While I focus on getting my symptoms under control and notes organized I’ll start my recap by sharing some pictures and tweets of my favorite #Blogalicous5 moments.
“You have to share, it is relationship building. Building a brand is relationship building” ~ @hamiltoncbrown #Blogalicious5
— Chasing Joy (Arlett) (@Chasing_Joy) October 5, 2013
Need passion for running a business & entrepreneurship, not just a passion for your idea, to be successful. Tip @WellsFargo #Blogalicious5
— Chasing Joy (Arlett) (@Chasing_Joy) October 5, 2013
“If you dont put yourself out there you won’t know who your supporters are” ~ @CoachmUpBoni #Blogalicious5
— Chasing Joy (Arlett) (@Chasing_Joy) October 4, 2013
Keep your team motivated: Give credit for successes take credit for failures. Tips from @DeEttaMJones #Blogalicious5
— Chasing Joy (Arlett) (@Chasing_Joy) October 3, 2013
Working towards your goals is just as fulfilling as achieving them says @amydbarnett of @EbonyMag. #Blogalicious5
— Chasing Joy (Arlett) (@Chasing_Joy) October 4, 2013
Tweet who you meet game with @SwarthyDaisy at #Blogalicious5. Just met Marissa from @KMA_PR . pic.twitter.com/blODrxR7LZ
— Chasing Joy (Arlett) (@Chasing_Joy) October 3, 2013
Tweet who you meet game with @SwarthyDaisy at #Blogalicious5. Just met @LynnWhite. pic.twitter.com/SP1gM3h7Si
— Chasing Joy (Arlett) (@Chasing_Joy) October 3, 2013
Tweet who you meet game with @SwarthyDaisy at #Blogalicious5. Just met @LynnWhite. pic.twitter.com/SP1gM3h7Si
— Chasing Joy (Arlett) (@Chasing_Joy) October 3, 2013
Are you suffering from PBS? Have you been to Blogalicious or any other Blog conferences? Which is your favorite conference? Mine is definitely Blogalicious.
Stay tuned to the blog for part 2 of my Recap of #Blogalicious5.
P.S. I made it to the 2nd round of voting for a BlackWeblog Award. Please take a moment to Vote for Chasing Joy in the Best Personal Blog category http://blackweblogawards.com/
Great post! Now I want to have PBS! Will be going to the next Blogalicious5!!
Great. Hope to see you there Notebook Blogairy.
I'm suffering. It's bad. I have a millions things I want to do, but I just don't have the attention span to start!!
I know Rosed Daughter. PBS is something else.
PBS indeed LOL! Great seeing you as always 🙂
Great seeing you too Nae.
I'm actually attending my very first conference on Saturday and I'm already anticipating PBS 🙂