Chasing Joy By Not Giving A F*ck
A few weeks ago I listen to the audio book The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck by Sarah Knight. The book title is inspired by the Marie Kondo book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. What both books have in common is that they’re about getting rid of stuff. The Marie Kondo book is about getting rid of physical clutter in your life. The Not Giving a F*ck book is about getting rid of emotional clutter in your life. Basically, it’s about getting rid of all the things that you don’t truly give a f*ck about, or shouldn’t give a f*ck about, so that you can have more room in your life for joy.
I really enjoyed this book. If you can get past the cursing in the title and throughout the book, it is a really really great read. She makes great points about how we all have these things in our life that we focus on, give attention to, and develop stress and anxiety over that really aren’t that important. These things are not important because they don’t in any way help us have more joyful lives. Her theory is if we stop giving a f*ck about those things it frees us up to focus on the things that really make us happy. We all have a limited number of f*cks we can give so so we should only use them on things that bring us Joy. I am definitely adding this to my books worth reading list on Pinterest.
Inspired by the book, of course I have come up with my own list of things that I am not giving an f*ck about anymore. Letting go of these things will help me too be less stressed, less frustrated, and have less anxiety. This will free up mental space for me too have more joy.
The following it’s a list of things that I no longer gives any f*cks about.
1. Co-workers actions that impact my teams image. (Out of my control)
2. How woke other people think I am (I am 100% secure in my blackness and awareness of the racial dynamics of this country.)
3. Trying to train people who have an I know everything attitude after minimal time as a trainee. (Not worth the energy. However, I will always do my job though)
4. Looking at videos or photos of police brutality against black people, or anyone else really. (Can’t take it anymore. Must protect my Joyful spirit)
5. What any man thinks Black women need to do better to be worthy of a man, marriage, etc…. (no explanation needed).
6. Dress Codes. It is indeed time I start dressing 100% for myself.
Wow! It sounds like the literature was a good guidance on how to really focus on what matters in your life. I enjoyed reading you list of things you will no longer focus your energy on. I must agree with number 4 of your list. It saddens me to see images of black people still being beat and killed…definitely a joy killer. I would have it on my list. I like the dress code and you dressing for yourself and not caring about the fashion critiques. I love maxi dresses and skirts and have all of my life! If my skirts are too long for you too bad I did not ask you! On my list I would have that too. Added to the list I would have not caring about what people have to say about my eyebrows and the lack of me wearing makeup. Why does my eyebrows interest you? Is it because you forgot what eyesbrows look like since you have cut yours off and drew them on? Why do you feel you have the right to tell me I need to shape them up? Mind your own face. Also it is okay not to wear makeup. If you wear it good for you but as for me and my face it will not be embellished. Mind your business and worry about why you look orange! Go learn how to properly apply your makeup looking like President Trump! Whew this felt great! Getting my joy back as I chase joy!