This past Sunday we had our monthly Chasing Joy Twitter Chat. The topic was transitioning into the Fall. This month I made our chat a little more fun by offering a giveaway. I still had a few things from my Blogalicious 11 swag bag so I decided to share. The winner was randomly selected using from those who participated, tweeting using the #ChasingJoy hashtag. Our winner was Mental Mosaic. You can find out more about her on her site. She will be receiving a Aunt Jemima thermal grocery bay, Aunt Jemima apron, Aunt Jemima thumb drive, and Aunt Jemima recipe cards along with coupons for free Aunt Jemima frozen goodies. Isn’t she a lucky lady.
In case you missed it here are a some highlights from the chat.
The purpose of the chat is to get to know each other better and bond over the themes of Optimism, Gratitude, and Happiness.
Question: How happy are you at this time in your life?
Trying very hard to be happy these days, but not always succeeding. Hard year.
Keep trying, Hard years happen to us all. The tied will inevitable turn
Well Stick around hunni…we will sure to pick ya spirits up! I’m following you now!
Question: Are you looking forward to the fall or sad to see the summer go?
I’m looking fwd to some cooler temps. I melt here in TX! Plus, I love that “back to school” feeling
Sad to see summer go, but not sad to cool off a little. I do love pumpkin season!!
Question: Is there anything you wanted to do this summer that you didn’t have a chance to do?
Go on vacation! I didn’t do any of that this year with my job being unstable!
I really wanted to go swimming…never made it and the pool is closed
Sadly I never made it to the beach this year. I’m still hoping to go before it is to cold
Questions: What feelings do you associate with the fall?
Real calm….I love that feeling!
It’s funny you mention calm. I am good at looking calm. But often I am panicking in my head. SMH
Oh Nooooo! I am calm most of the time. Its best to take a moment and take a dp breath and regroup!
Yes! I do a lot of deep breathing
Yes that is a must…water and teas make me calm as well
For me, fall is all about comfort. Smells, tastes, colors, all comforting
Happiness. I love fall. Maybe because I love the colors, the cool weather or maybe its because my birthday is in the fall lol
I think of the fall as a time of new beginnings and starting over. I think it is a reminder of the back to school mindset.
The fall makes me think about “crocking”. I am definitely in cooking mode!
All my 70’s stuff looks better in the fall
Question: Do you change your habits along with the seasons?
I go outside more in the fall but not a lot more
I miss buying back to school supplies
I still buy ’em – school or no!
I still by some for work
We try to eat seasonally, so cooking habits do change with the seasons.
I love all the foods from fall squash, corn, tomatoes, etc
I recently learned a little about seasonal eating
What did you learn?
Seasonal eating is fascinating! Nature is pretty cool 😉
I learned that foods have cooling and thermal properties that help us with body temperature when we eat in season
That’s cool or hot lol
I think my eating habits change the most in the fall more soups, more cooking, and less salads and cold foods
I love sweaters and I am always excited when I can start wearing them again
Question: What are you hoping to do or accomplish this fall?
I want to release my ebook & music CD this fall & organize my closet, too. It’s a mess!
loss 10 lbs and get pregnant
New Job and volunteering
I have a very definite project list for fall! Also, lots of exercise
I have a new venture that I want to get off the ground this fall, and I want to get more organized
I want to have my charity event be a success this fall. and to start working more on my book
I want to change my blog design and write more. More laughs! Yay
Question: Does the fewer hours of day light effect your mood? If it does, what do you do to stay upbeat and energetic during the shorter hours of day light?
VERY much so
yes but not until the middle of Feb. I usually go shopping but this year I am going to try exercise
Not really….the time switch never messes with me
The time change definitely affects my mood. I try to shift my schedule to have better energy in the fall.
Yes! Leaving work in darkness makes me sad. Just got an office with a window, so things will be different now! 🙂 I think being intentional about going outdoors at least once during the day can help.
The shorter days do effect my mood in a bad way. I feel more tired and am prone to feel down more often. I try to make sure I get enough sunlight by walking during lunch outside
Question: What is your favorite meal to cook or have in the fall?
Anything in a slow cooker…I want to try to make a chili this fall!
Crock pot stew with lots of root veggies!
I love to eat Chili in the fall. Yummy and comforting
White chicken chili…I make it every year after the first snow..which in Utah could be tomorrow or not until December
I have been looking forward to making vegetable soup and chicken and barely soup
So those were the high lights of the Chasing Joy Twitter Chat. There was also discussion on hair styling in the fall vs. the summer. Recipes and links were shared. You can join in the chat on the first Sunday of every month. The next #ChasingJoy chat will be Sunday October 7th. At 4:00pm EST #ChasingJoy
But until then, feel free to keep the conversation going and answer any of the questions above. What are you hoping to accomplish this fall? Do you change your habits in the fall? What food are you excited to have or make this fall?
What a great idea to have a twitter chat just to get to know people better. Sounds like fun!