Have you heard the saying happiness lies just outside your comfort zone? I hate this saying. I love my comfort zone. It’s warm, cozy, and just my size. Its……comfortable! Sigh. But the saying is right. While our comfort zones are comfortable they don’t help us grow. They don’t bring us new friends. They don’t help us reach our goals or chase our dreams. They just keep us right where we are and even if where we are is great it will get boring and boring is not joyful.
This past weekend I stretched way out of my comfort zone. I was a vendor. Another saying you may have heard is poop or get off the pot (ok that’s not the real saying but my version is nicer). Well I have had this Chasing Joy blog for over 6 years now. It has gone from a personal blog where I was anonymous to an online inspiration business complete with events and merchandise. But I have not really pursued every opportunity presented to me. Chasing Joy has been an official business for two years now and the IRS only gives you so much time to really start making income before they down grad you from business to hobby status. So it was time for me to poop or get off the pot. It’s time for me to really put my all into this brand. That means signing up to man a table, show my merchandise and talk to people about the importance of making happiness a priority and Chasing Joy.
While I am pretty good at talking to strangers it is not something I love. I am more of an introvert which is why writing comes so much more natural to me than speaking. I was nervous before the event. Heck I spent weeks thinking about it and asking questions before I even applied to be a vendor. This was not an easy step but it was a big one for me and my business. I got info about Chasing Joy out there, showcased my inspirational t-shirt line, and added to that oh so important email list. I did good! I pushed the walls of my comfort zone out a little bit. Now I’m going to curl up in it for a little while. But not too long as I know getting out of my comfort zone is essential for personal growth, professional goals and Chasing Joy!
When was the last time you stretched out of your comfort zone?
P.S. For those who could not attend the Luncheon, or didn’t make it back to the vendors to pick up a T-Shirt or mug, The Chasing Joy Shop is running a special sale this week only everything is reduced to the Peanut Luncheon prices.
Shop now! www.cafepress.com/chasingjoy
Shanita says
The most success comes when you remove your personal boundaries and go for it! Congrats!!!
Janelle says
This is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! Congrats to you girl for being bold, taking action, and not waiting. This is what it’s all about. They say in order to be successful we have to be uncomfortable.
Proud of you.
Now, I need to go grab my tee!
Audrey says
Way to go for stepping out of your comfort zone!!! I know the allure of the zone, but it’s essential to leave it from time to time! 🙂
Ehi Aimiuwu says
Congrats on stretching out your comfort zone. Standing at the ledge is my comfort zone and I always have a habit of taking two steps back.
My best friends had a conversation with me and they realized that I have a habit of starting many projects but not finishing them. So I decided that this business that’s geared towards moms will be my business that I stick to. I’m nervous because I don’t know what’s coming next but I continue to push forward.
Rangler says
Smart thiinnkg – a clever way of looking at it.
fancyhuh? 3.2.16 says
I love the new look. Congratulations on stepping it up. Thumbs up to you.
Much love. Sis.
chasingjoy says
Thank you! I love it too!