Dear 2012,
Well it’s almost time for you to go. Your year went by so fast. Overall the time we spent together was good. Although you’ve sent a bit of a curve ball in the last few weeks. I am thankful for all the cool things we were able to share. 2013 has big shoes to fill. I’m charging 2013 with catching the curve ball that you are leaving us with and tagging negativity OUT.
2012 you have set the bar high. Here is just a sampling of all we were able to accomplish:
January – A Joyful Resolution was made. I vowed to leave my house every day. This resolution was very good for me. I was able to stick to it about 75%. Because of this resolution I visited and reconnected with an old friend, found Friday zumba classes and hung out at the book store a couple times. I will continue it in 2013.
February – I proclaimed that it was indeed better to be single than to date a CAJC.
March – I meet some lovely local Philly Bloggers and Vlogged all about it. Then I celebrated the blessing of turning 32 years old surrounded by friend.
April – Got the party started with the monthly #ChasingJoy twitter party. It has been an awesome chat that has let me get to know you Joy Chasers a little better. Don’t miss the next one this coming Sunday January 6th at 4pm. Our topic will be Fresh Start for the New Year. Use hashtag #ChasingJoy.
May – This month was all about learning. I went to Bootcamp, Bloggy Boot Camp that is, and learned how to make Chasing Joy better. I also learned how to make sure my inner awesomeness shinned through to the outside at the Curvy Fashionista class. I won’t even tell you how much my foundation garment collection has expanded. LOL
June – 2012 you kept me busy in June. I got a little crafty and offered up some free printable Joy Bookmarks. I attended Blogging While Brown and shared lots of blogging tips. I also completed the meditation challenge and determined that meditation was not really my thing.
July – I took on a new path toward health and wellness. I gave hypnosis for weight loss and try. While I did not lose bunches of weight. I do feel I tapped into a perspective that can help me to be healthier in the future.
August – What an exciting month, as I got my first ever press pass. Yes! Bloggers are part of the press 🙂
September – This month was quite a memorable one. I experienced the Joy of being a bridesmaid for the first time.
October – I shared lots of knowledge that month. I attended Blogalicious with two great friends. I learned how to be better blogger during the day and I partied Vegas style at night with my friends. A great time was had. I cannot forget that the first Chasing Joy Event, The Joy of Giving, also took place and over 150 articles of clothing, shoes, and accessories were donated to women transitioning from welfare to work.
November – There were a couple unexpected twist that month. I told you how to exercise down there. Later in the month I shared a confession that was a long time coming
December – Things have been a little rough the last few weeks. I was not feeling so Joyful as I wrote Blog post from my mom’s hospital room. But the blessing is how many Joy Chasers have prayed for and continue to pray for my mom. She is home now and it was Not the year of the Bad Christmas. I know all of these prayers will help us face any obstacles accompanying 2013.
2012 we accomplished so much. I am thankful for all that I learned all that I shared and all of the connections and friendships I made this year. 2013 better hit the ground running to keep up your momentum.
What are your highlights from 2012? What will you most remember about this year?
Love your recap of 2012! I didn't get a chance to do one this year 🙁 It really is a great way to keep track of your year's highlights. Wishing you all the best in 2013! 🙂
This is such a great idea, I've seen pictures of jars, where you put in your achievements throughout the year, I think I will do that; but this is a great way to highlight your years posts that you're proud of, very creative!
Looks like you had a very full year! I tried meditation but it was guided and I enjoyed it very much. Meditating by myself, for one I wouldn't do it as often and would probably fall into a nap. Whoo Hoo for getting a press pass.
This year will be even better!
Thanks for sharing your year with us!
Congratulations on your 2012 accomplishments. I really liked your January challenge of getting out of the house more.
Here's to 2013! Big shoes to fill…
Hi, as always I really enjoyed your post on the great things that have happened for you in 2012. Well done on having achieved so much this year, you are inspiring. I hope to attend some blogger boot camps, so maybe we will finally get to meet 🙂
I too feel that 2012 has been a great year for me and if you get a chance, please check out my review:
Looking forward to more great things for all of us and staying connected with you this year. Happy 2013!
Fitnessbuster supporting you in improving your fitness and nutrition.
Hi lady! Thanks so much for joining us at the Super Sunday Sync this week 🙂 It was fun reading through your Year In Review post…I'd also love to attend a bloggy boot camp sometime! Happy New Year to you! xo
It sounds like 2012 was a very fruitful year for you! Happy 2013 🙂
Nicely done sweetie! Hope your mother is doing better. Wishing you much happiness and love in the New Year! Happy 2013!! Woohoo!!
I did not do a recap but I had a very blessed year, so looking forward to 2013. Wishing you a great new year honey!!!