Dear 2016,
Welcome! I am very happy to have you. I welcome you with open arms and optimism. I am excited for the fresh start that a new year brings.
I don’t have a lot of plans for you. I am trying something a little different this year. I am approaching our time together with a bit of a blank slate. With your predecessors 2014 and 2015 I began our relationships with great expectations for love, weight loss, motherhood, financial success, etc and they fell short. They did not live up to my expectations, so for you 2016 I am not entering into our time together with any expectations. Now that does not mean that I won’t have goals or make plans. But those goals and plans will be based upon things other than your arrival and departure. These goals and plans will be based on other milestones and cover a shorter time period.
2016, I am viewing our time together without any constraints. This means I am open to whatever you have to offer. I am allowing you to write your own position description. I will be open to new ideas, new experience and new people.
2016, my hope is that by welcoming you without expectation and in a spirit of openness, that when our time together has concluded I will be healthier, happier, and more fulfilled due to our time together.
Here’s to a wonderful year together!!!
What would you say in a letter to 2016? Are you entering the new year with expectations? Would your letter to 2016 include a list of resolutions?
Never thought about doing that! What a great idea, I'm gonna share this with my family!
Wow this is so wonderful and heartfelt! Wishing you all of the very best in the new year!
I think this is a great way to look at the new year. I have set some goals for 2016. One is to become physically active by walking and dancing daily.
I love your letter. I don't have any resolutions, I set a goal to implement all the things I was scared to do in 2015! Happy New Year 🙂
I love the way that this is written. I understand you completely. For me, 2015 was so exhausting that I'm just hoping for peace and divine guidance in 2016. Happy New Year to you.
I would just say 2016 Here I Come!! Great post and Thanks for sharing!!
I love how you're approaching 2016 as an "open opportunity". I know the universe & God will rise up to meet with abundance.
I am sorry that what you asked for in 2014 or 2015 didnt manifest as plan. Life never works the way we plan really we have to wait for the unexpected so wishing you a positive unexpected happiness in 2016!
This is a great letter to 2016. I have not made any big resolutions yet. This will be a big year for me with my carer change.
I never thought about writing an actual letter to the year. Sounds like a positive one in store for you
Amen to all of this! Wishing you a wonderful and productive 2016!
I like the idea of having shorter milestones in between and not longer term goals that hinge on the end of the year. That ads a lot of pressure and having milestones is a good approach for measuring success anyway.
Wishing you a blessed and prosperous new year!
Hear Hear! Happy 2016 to you too! I wish amazing successes and happy life!
Blessing to you for 2016. I just want to be surrounded by love!
I understand now wanting to over do expectations. I wish you best the luck in 2016 with your desires…
What a sweet welcome to a new year. I hope your year is filled with happy memories and fulfilling opportunities.
What a wonderful way to welcome 2016. I hope the New Year treats you well and provides lots of opportunities.
I don't like to make resolutions, but I am always working towards new goals. I am wishing you all the best in 2016!
I love this, the spirit of it and your embrace of what the new year may hold. I have found when staying open to possibility the year often delivers more than I would have imagined.
I love your approach, I don't do resolutions but I set goals that I want to accomplish by the years end.
This is an amazing post. I just wrote about how I wasn't going to use the word resolutions anymore. The word resolution has so much power behind it and is almost like a bully to me. It holds so much expectations.
Because I am currently going through a divorce, my new year is starting off a bit differently than originally planned. My biggest plan is to move out of state and go in a completely different direction in life.
I think going in open minded without expectation is a great idea. I hope you have a great idea.
I also don't have any expectations for the new year. I'm just hoping to improve from last year!
I think this is a great way to look at the new year. I haven't set any solid goals for 2016 yet.
I LOVE that you are not making any plans or expectations. You will NOT be disappointed, and I'm so excited for what will come!
I'm really excited to greet the new year. I hope we both have awesome years! I know they're going to be incredible.
I love your letter to the year. I have set some goals for 2016 but hey aren't really resolutions.
I don't have any expectations or plans yet, but I'm heading out of town for 24 hours this weekend with my husband so we can make some plans and some goals! Hoping this is an amazing year for you and for me! 🙂
I am excited for this year. I can't wait to see what it will bring me.
I really like this approach, it says that you're open to whatever comes your way. My experience is that a real sign of growth and maturity is getting out of your own way and allowing Him to move how he sees fit in your life. Happy New Year!!!
I wish you the very best this year. I didn't make any resolutions this year but I did make a couple of promises to myself.
I wish you the very best this year. I didn't make any resolutions this year but I did make a couple of promises to myself.
I never have any expectations or make resolutions personally. I do try to have a vision for my business goals though. I try to make all my years better than the last
I hope you have a wonderful 2016. I only want to be happy this year 🙂
I hope you have a wonderful and happy New Year also Becca.
I love your letter to the new year! I'm not necessarily entering the new year with any expectations or resolutions, I just pray that I'm able to build on everything that I accomplished in 2015 and continue on my journey to inspire others to be well dressed, well educated, and well traveled. .
Happy New Year,
Allison |
Allison I hope 2016 is full of success for both of us.