Hi Joy Chasers. I’m happy that my long time friend and fellow blogger, Biba (aka Ms. Pillowz), was able to fill in on the blog today while I spend time with my mom. Below is her guest post on Chasing Joy by adding the Emotional Freedom Technique to your self care routine. The technique can help stop negative thinking and break throught the walls of negativity that are keeping you from happiness. I hope to learn more about it at her up coming event.
As kids, we were so open to everything, but along the way our feelings got hurt, our hearts were broken, and our trust was eroded. We touched the hot stove, got hurt, and vowed to protect ourselves so we put up this brick wall.
We continued to see some things, learn some things, and experience things. We began to form beliefs and the walls just kept getting higher and thicker.
We were so young then. Now we’re adults who are tired of simply surviving and ready to thrive, but in some cases, we’re finding it difficult.
Why can’t things be better? Why does this keep happening? Why is my luck so bad? What did I do to deserve any of this? I’m trying, but nothing sticks. Will this ever change?
The first step to long term positive change is acknowledging that you are unhappy with the way things are going with your: health, family, love and relationships, money, job, house, or so on. These questions represent the start.
The next step is to unpack the bricks. They have to be taken down with care. With love.
The wall represents the lifetime of acquired negative thoughts and beliefs that have been buried over the years. It is the place where feelings and unpleasantness have been shoved, because they were too painful to process. Now, it has a mind of its own.It’s showing up uninvited all over the place and causing sickness, pain, and wreaking havoc all over your life. Now you’re just at your wit’s end.
Unpacking that tall brick wall or going into the very thing that you constructed to protect yourself is the last thing anyone wants to do. How do you even start? You start with one brick at a time.In examining each brick, you can acknowledge it, fully process it, and heal from it. Once one brick comes down, you’ll feel lighter. Your mindset starts to change and other shifts can happen too. The wall doesn’t seem so daunting any more. Circumstances in your life begin to change for the better.
There are a number of tools that you can use or that you may already be using like meditation, mindfulness, journaling, etc. I use the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or tapping). EFT is a simple technique used to clear those blockages or bricks. This is done through tapping on acupressure points.
I’ve been doing the Emotional Freedom Technique for over 5 years and it has really turned my life around. Here are just a few of the ways that its help to me:
– helped me heal after the break up with my fiancé;
– helped me grief the loss of my pet; and
– helped me lose over 20 pounds.
Since it has helped me so much, I have made it my mission to share it with others.
On April 16th, I’m co-hosting a vision board party.
This isn’t just any vision board party, though. It’s an experience: a Vision Board Experience!Not only will we use EFT to help people decide on what they want, but we’ll be working on clearing the negative thoughts and beliefs that block us from receiving our desires.
We only have 20 less than 15 slots, but they’re on a first-come first-serve basis, so if you’re in the Tri-State area, (Pennsylvania, New Jersey (southern), and Delaware), and you’re interested in coming, click here to get your tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-vision-board-experience-tickets-24118046727
Can’t make it? No worries!
You can host your own Vision Board Experience party with the Vision Board Like a Boss Mini Program. You can also buy it at the Eventbrite link above.If you’d like to learn more about the Emotional Freedom Technique, send me an email at ms_biba@yahoo.com and put Chasing Joy in the subject. I’m open to answering any questions.
I’m still on my “summer sabbatical” from last year, (yeah, I know), but you can check out more of my word stylings at www.BigDivaHq.com.
I hope you enjoyed this post and I hope to share with you again! Peace and many blessings to all of you.
-Biba (aka Ms. Pillowz)
Happy birthday. Do you gave a pobox for gifts?