Happy Happy Friday!
Since I started writing these Feel Good Friday post it seems like Friday gets here faster and faster. I guess that is because my focus has changed a bit. While time is constant (60 min. in an hr, 24 hr. in a day) it is also relative. Albert Einstein said it best, “Sit next to a pretty girl for an hour and it will seem like a minute. Hold your hand in the fire for a minute and it will seem like an hour. Therefor, time is relative.”
Just as the way I see time has changed have my views on a lot of things have changes. It all has to do with Focus. Since I started Chasing Joy I’ve caught glimpses of it everywhere. Nothing has opened my eyes to Joy more than Gratitude. If I’m in an annoying or difficult situation it is becoming easier and easier for me to find something positive to be thankful for.
Stuck in traffic – thankful that I am in my car and not on SEPTA, thankful that the AC is working
Late for work – thankful that I have a job
Gained 5lbs – thankful I have more than enough food
A million obligations this weekend – thankful that so many people desire and enjoy my company
Hair stylist taking forever – Thankful I can afford to have someone else do my hair
I could go on and on.
So on this feel good Friday try to focus on Gratitude and Thankfulness. Take a few minutes to count your blessings. So what are you greatful for?
I’ll start you off:
1. Thank God it’s Friday (TGIF)
2. ???
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That is awesome, gratitude, looking for the silver lining in everything, makes everything you look at better. I'm thankful for my job, while so many people are unemployed. I am thankful for having to service my car, because I have places to go that require me to need a car and its my first real dream car, VW Convertible Beetle. I am thankful for the rain, because that means I get to use my pretty pink umbrella. I can go on and on…and its great to remind us of that….be grateful!
Stopping by from FBF 🙂
I am thankful for Phit-n-phat for showing me that women can make positive lasting lifestyle changes in the arease of health, fitness, and most importantly way of thinking.
I am late to the Friday party!
Thankful I found your blog. 🙂 Thankful for a husband who keeps me grounded and out of my own head somtimes. Thankful for my son who makes me see life in a whole new way almost daily.