There are many things that make me feel good – time with loved ones, certain foods, shopping, even writing this blog. But there is one thing that give me a special kind of feel good, having a few extra dollars in my pocket. That’s right money. I know money is the route of all evil and what not, but money also gives you freedom. Freedom to splurge in your favorite store or restaurant, surprise that love one with a little gift, or even do something for your self like book that massage you have been thinking about. Money also gives you the freedom to make big moves like quiting your job and pursuing your dream or moving when you don’t like the way your neighborhood is changing.
This Feel Good Friday I’m thinking about money, money, money, money, money (in my O Jay’s Voice). So let’s list our favorite money savings tips. If we save some money now. We’ll have extra money and freedom later.
- Use a budget. It can be as detailed or as simple as you like. A simple budget would be take home pay minus necessities (food, bills, transportation, etc), minus savings equals spending money.
- Pay yourself first. Put aside some money for emergency savings aside before you do anything else. Even if it is just $5 a pay. It will add up.
- Use an online bank for a savings account. The online banks tend to have better rates. You can use savings account to move the money you want to save away from the account you use regularly. That way it is not really on your mind and the interest grows while your not thinking about it.
- Use a list when you go to the market. You will have less impulse buys.
- When ever you have coins save them. I just took all the change from my dresser to the bank and it totaled $47.00.
- Do Not lend money that you cannot afford to give away.
- Use coupons.
- Bring food to work for meals and snacks instead of buying breakfast and lunch and hitting the vending machine. This is also good for the waistline.
- Use the library instead of buying books.
While money cannot buy you Joy, it can provide the means for you to explore new hobbies and indulgences that will bring you closer to Joy.What are your favorite money saving tips???
Get DVDs from the Free Library. In Philly, there is no charge to borrow DVDs. Save on cable and movie costs. Plus, given that some people think of movie theaters as OK Corrals, you'll likely be safer. Maybe not for all of your movie and/or tv viewing, but try for half.
Good luck!
I would add only shop with cash. If you only bring $50 with you to buy groceries or clothes, you will only spend $50 and get what you really need.
Cindy, thanks for checking out my blog. I really appreciate your comment. Great saving tip also. Saving up for big ticket items instead of financing can save a lot of money in interest and give a great sense of personal satisfaction.
Well, hey, since you stumbled onto my blog, I figured I'd mosey on over to check out yours! 🙂 What a delight. I read your stats and found that you're a very, strong beautiful chick. You've been through more than a lot of people can handle and you're going forward. Awesome! I'll be praying for you! 🙂 And, now for my money tip…
Set a goal. I wanted a travel trailer. My husband told me I couldn't get one unless I saved the cash for it. He thought that wouldn't happen, so he'd be in the clear! HA, joke was on him. I had the money saved within 2 years and now I have my trailer. Once I got into the habit of saving, it's so much easier now to just put the money away and keep it there. 🙂
Lynette, thanks for the tips. I'm going to start using the memo feature on my cell phone because some time I do forget to add things to my list.
I pull dolla bills from my wallet during the week and keep them in a jar. When I get low on pocket money I use my ones for misc. expenses or my fun money to treat myself. So what if I look like a amatuer stripper !!!
I also use the Task feature on my cell phone to keep a list called Stuff I Need so whenever I am at Walmart, Tarjay or the market I always have my list with me to cut down on impulse buys.