I did not make it to church this weekend. However, I did go the previous two weekends and I came away with two good messages. I’ll start with last week’s message that you should find Joy in your calling.
Last Sunday I attended an evening service in celebration of my brother. He was being ordained as an Elder at his church. The evening service included the ordination and typical church stuff (communion, music from the choir, offering, prayer, and a sermon). I honestly don’t remember what the main topic of the sermon was. I just remember my takeaway. To find Joy in your calling.
I usually take notes on my phone when something resonates with me at church. So don’t judge when you see me on my phone at church. The note I wrote was “Say what God has given you to say and don’t be intimidated.” We have all been given special gifts and called to use them in unique ways to specific audiences. Just because someone else me have a bigger audience does not mean that their calling or talent is any more important than your’s. The pastor used Joel Osten as an example. Just because Joel Osten reaches millions does not mean the pastor’s calling to serve a smaller congregation is any less important. The pastor said we should focus on our own calling say what we have to say and not be intimidated.
This resonated with me as a blogger because obviously I want to grow my brand, increase my page views, and speak to a bigger audience. I do believe Chasing Joy, spreading a message of hope, resilience, and self love and acceptance is my calling. But it is easy to get side tracked, lost in comparison, and even intimidated by to other bigger blogs/ brands. I’m sure you can relate as well. Most of us have experienced falling into comparison when someone has a higher profile job, title, or project than us.
Let this be our reminder to not worry about what others are accomplishing. instead say what you need to say and find Joy in your calling.
P.S. Curious about the ordination? Check out the video of my brother’s.
Great post and I love the message of saying what YOU have to say to make a difference, doing what YOU can do and not comparing yourself to others. Knowing your role is such an important aspect of teams, work, family – if we each play the parts we know we are meant to play, the sum is much greater than the individual. Thanks for continuing to share your journey in chasing joy – I think of you often and my quest for joy is now more of a deliberate thought process for me because of you.