I can’t believe it is already July. June flew by so quickly. While the month ended on a sad note there was still many Joyful moments earlier in the month.
- I wore shorts! I know that is not really a big deal. But, I wore them to the gym and worked out in them, something I have never done. It is super hit right now and I should accept my body enough to show a little leg, even at the gym.
- Even though my dog passed away it gave me great joy earlier in the month when so many people prayed for him. Hurt did get better after all of the prayers and we were blessed to have him for two more weeks.
- Graduations! My family was blessed to have had three graduates this year. I am very proud of my niece and nephews.
If you are on Instagram than you had to have seen the Kermit The Frog memes. They were so funny that I created my own.
- The#CJBL Twitter chat was so awesome! The energy was great. The chat made me so excited for the Chasing Joy Brunch & Learn. The next #CJBL Twitter chat will be Monday, July 21st, 8PM EST.
- Dates! As you all know I am looking for my Mr. Joy Chasers. While I did not find him in June I enjoyed going on several nice dates.
- Like I mentioned in my calling it quits video I have been changing my diet and its working. A nice highlight of June was wearing a dress that had been a little too small. Now the dress is a little too big. I even tweeted about it.
In June I also introduced you guys to a new member of the Chasing Joy team, Ambassador Samantha!
- Last but certainly not least, my Asiatic Lillie’s bloomed filling my front patio with beauty and me with Joy.
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Post by Chasing Joy.
Sometimes when we are in the moment it seems like nothing good, nice, or beautiful happens. That’s why I like to look back over the month and remember all of the things that gave me Joy. What filled you with Joy in the month of June???
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Hi! So happy to of found your blog. I look forward to returning often. We seem to have a lot in common (I too lost my Dad to cancer)
Sorry to hear of your loss, both your Dad & your pup)
Your lilies are beautiful!
Have a happy & safe 4th!
Thanks Limede Gal. I'm sorry about your dad also. (((Hugs)))