Happy Friday Joy Chasers!!! I hope you had a good week. It was fast for me. It is Flashback Friday again, so I hope you are ready to link up! If you are new here Flashback Friday it is where we Flashback to our older blog posts and linkup. You can also post a link to your Flashback post on the Chasing Joy Facebook Page. Flashback Friday is a great way to rediscover our earlier works and discover some new blogs. So pick your link and add it below. Use hashtags #FBF or #FlashbackFriday on twitter to advertise your Flashback post.
This week my Flashback post is right on time. It is about the different things you can do to have a more joyful weekend and I make a confession about my feelings about the weekends. I’m happy to report that since I originally wrote the Confession post I have been doing much better with my down time. Have you ever had too much down time???
Now add your link below but be sure to check out AT LEAST TWO other Flashback posts. Might I suggest the ones listed before and after your post. Please leave a comment saying why you selected your Flashback post and what you thought about the other Flashback posts. I’m looking forward to reading all of your Flashbacks.
Don’t forget to grab the new I am Chasing Joy and Flashback Friday buttons!
Finally, I posted my #flashbackfriday !! Thanks for keeping it open!
Thanks for the link up invite. I posted about the tough lessons in parenthood. 🙂
Hi Everybody! 🙂
Chasing Joy's post on age-appropriate clothing reminded me of a post I wrote called, "The Lost Art of Dressing Up," so that's the one I'm flashing back to today.
I look forward to checking out everyone else's posts!
Hi there! I put up SeeThruAHeart but I definitely did it wrong so I apologize. But thanks again for the tweet and have an awesome Friday!
HI – i have been slammed all day! good thing I stopped by!!! I will swing by everyone's blog this weekend. I will be spending some time in the hospital my baby sister is 2 months early and the baby is ready to come out! (say a little prayer).. Have a wonderful weekend! XOXOXO
Well, I'm a very new blogger (my first week) and I was going to link to my first post from Mon, but I accidentally put a link to today's post. Lol! I'll post that one next week… I just love this! I see a lot of blogs that are going in my reader for later! 🙂
Hi Joy, is this a new design for your site? I don't remember seeing your cute running cartoon self before! Thanks for the tweet reminding me to link up.
My site is about the very best of American-made products. My link is a post about what happened when I took my daughter to the AMERICAN Girl store in New York. You'll never guess what I found there.
Hey Everyone…I posted a moodbooster moment because I am a whole silly nilly when it comes to creatures that I am NOT fond of! Oh yeah laugh at me!
Okay I actually remembered to link up on a Friday! This is the second post that was written for cirquedumot. It proved to be popular,and it turns out that it was sound advice. Google Plus is now a big deal and changing the way Google works. Buffer App caught on fire last year too with over 70,000 users. I thought it might be time to revisit this post.
Today I wanted to share a funny post about my work space because I once again facing a messy desk with weird things on it.
Today I wanted to share a post about my Aunt with you. it was from a Writer's Workshop prompt MamaKat did a while back. The world needs more people like my Aunt in it!
I really enjoy Flashback Friday, and learning about other blogs! Thanks @ChasingJoy!
I do not have much downtime, but when I do, I enjoy doing absolutely NOTHING! 🙂
My post is on helping others take on a creative avenue for venting frustration concerning co-workers that drive them bananas! Feel free to add what things you do during the long work week to cope and make light of an annoying co-worker http://mypocketfulofthoughts.blogspot.com/2012/01/i-welcome-new-fun-friday-series-how-not.html
My post is on the fear of buying tampons. http://www.dishwaterdreams.com/2011/07/the-fear-of-buying-tampons/
Thanks for this linky! I love reading posts that are awesome but for whatever reason didn't get a lot of traffic. Great idea, great networking, great friends!
I am loving all these #FF on Twitter and it's nice to network with more bloggers. Thanks for always including me!
Thanks for hosting such a fun blog hop. I really enjoyed it last week and am thrilled to be linking again.