Happy Friday! I am excited because I am now less than a week away from my vacation from work and trip to Las Vegas to party with friends and attend the blog conference Blogalicious.
I’m sure this week coming will at times feel like it is both flying as I try to get things done before the trip, and dragging as I anxiously await all the fun that lies ahead. This Friday’s Flashback, Time for Joy, is a reminder that regardless of my feelings time passes at the same rate so it is up to me to use it wisely.
If this is your first Flashback here is the deal. Flashback Friday is a great way to re-discover our earlier works and discover some new blogs. Flashback Friday is where we Flashback to our older blog posts and give them new life through the power of the linky! Just pick out your link and add it below. You can also post a link to your Flashback post on the Chasing Joy Facebook Page. Use hashtags #FBF or #FlashbackFriday on twitter to advertise your Flashback post.
You can pick out any post you want for the linky. It does not have to be related to the topic of my link. The choice is yours 🙂
Add your link below and be sure to check out AT LEAST TWO other Flashback posts. I suggest the two listed before your post to make it easy. Please leave a comment saying why you selected your Flashback post and what you thought about the other Flashback posts. I’m looking forward to reading all of your Flashbacks.
*Don’t forget to grab the I am Chasing Joy and Flashback Friday buttons!
**Also invite some of your blogging buddies to join the Linky too!
***Oh, and DON’T FORGET TO VOTE FOR ME for a Black Weblog Award!!***
Woohoo!! I'm in and already commented on several blogs! Thanks for hosting!
Missesdressy.com answers the question What are you wearing to the next fancy affair? on My Pocketful Of Thoughts Blog http://mypocketfulofthoughts.blogspot.com/2012/09/what-are-you-wearing-to-next-fancy.html
enjoying your blog
So glad I found out about this, such a great way to show support to other bloggers! Look forward to stopping by every week:-)
Thanks for the link up!
Found this from Single Life 2 Married Wife, love the idea of this! Excited to find some new bloggers friends to follow 🙂
Good Morning!! I'm having trouble getting on inspire to thrive's blog?
This is an awesome idea!! Thanks for incuding me.
Thanks for having this feature every Friday 🙂