J is for Joy
What else would J stand for on the Chasing Joy blog 🙂
There are good things happening to and around us all the time. Most of the time we are to busy and distracted by our day to day responsibilities to notice. We’d all be a little closer to catching a bit of joy if we learned to take notice of these moments. So before we dive into the #FlashbackFriday linky here are a few moments from the last week that gave me joy.
The time immediately following every single workout. Being 90 days into the #100DaysOf Fitness Challenge I have to admit I still have to make myself do it. It is still a challenge and not yet 2nd nature. However, I have reached a point where I have noticed how happy I feel immediately after my workout. This feeling lasts anywhere from 1 to 3 hours.
Hearing my mom laugh while on the phone with one of her friends. This is self explanatory. I don’t think we ever get tired of hearing the sound of laughter from our loved ones.
Planning the next Chasing Joy Brunch & Learn (#CJBL). Stay tuned, details coming soon.
Getting good news from a friend. It is a blessing when friends not only fell comfortable to, but are excited to share their blessings with you.
Lastly, linking up for #FlashbackFriday. I love this linky because it is not topic specific and we get a variety of different blog posts. Last week my favorite post was There Is No Excuse For Self-Neglect from @DrJulie_Ann. What gave you Joy this past week?
Now lets link up!! Flashback Friday is when we link up one of our older posts that needs a little love. You can link up any post you like, the idea is to link up an older one, and give it new life via the power of the linky. Be sure to visit AT LEAST TWO other links. If you are first to link up be sure to come back and visit some of the later links. You can also share your post on the Chasing Joy Facebook page and tweet about Linky using the #FlashbackFriday Hashtag. This week I am linking up 12 Things I Don’t need To Have a More Joyful 2012. When I look at the list I still need to work on many of them, but I have improved in a couple of areas. What are you linking up? Add your link below.
Now Click to Tweet “I just linked up for #FlashbackFriday on @Chasing_Joy! Add your link to find new readers.”
Congrats on 90 days. Experiencing lots of joy this week visiting my parents.
I'm impressed that you have reached day 90 in your challenge! Yay, you!
The thing that brought me the most joy this past week was seeing The Mister come through door at the airport. He was gone for a week and it was pretty lonesome and way too quiet without him around.
You should be proud of reaching day 90 in a 100 day challenge… I am having trouble with the 40 days of lent that I promised myself… visiting via a to z challenge and now a new follower… 🙂
Arlett, you have been inspiring doing your 100 day challenge, I 've been seeing your posts on it on Instagram and Facebook. You should be very proud. Enjoy your weekend!