Last week I felt pretty twice. Two separate times I caught a gimps of myself in my rear view mirror in the car and though beautiful!!!
The first time this was just a passing thought. I did not dwell on it. I just went about driving wherever I was going, I think to work. The 2nd time, my thought of feeling beautiful was quickly followed by, wow that’s the 2nd time this week and then followed by the questioning thoughts, why am I surprised that to feel beautiful twice in a week, why only two times, shouldn’t I feel beautiful most of the time if not all of the times?
These are the thoughts leading to this blog post. While I don’t think we should be vain or conceited about our looks, I do think that feeling good about our appearance is essential aspect of feeling more joyful. Not all or even most of our joy is related to our looks but liking or not liking what you see in the mirror definitely impacts confidence, self esteem, and happiness. So the fact that I only felt beautiful twice in a week is a bit concerning.
It’s not that I feel unattractive because that is not the case. I guess most of the time catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror either generates no reaction or a negative reaction. Most often its no reaction. Unfortunately, more than twice a week I will look in the mirror and have some kind of negative thought about a pimple, my weight, my hair not cooperating, my eyebrows looking unruly etc.
I have been trying to figure out what was different about the two time last week when I felt beautiful. I am at a lost. The 2nd time I just had my hair done but the first time I hadn’t. Neither time did I have on much makeup. The first time was in the morning, not much sunlight, the 2nd was mid afternoon, bright and sunny. I was not wearing anything special either time. The only think I can think of is maybe these were the only two times that I was not rushing and actually took the time to look at myself. That combined with the fact I was looking in a rear view mirror, too small to really zero in on imperfections, allowed me to appreciate myself and feel beautiful.
It may be unrealistic to feel beautiful every time I look in the mirror but It’s not a bad goal to aim for right? How often do you feel beautiful? When you find yourself feeling beautiful does it surprise you?
I love this post, so real and authentic. It's so hard to admit that you feel beautiful at times. As someone who didn't always love the way I looked growing up, I am thankful that I find beauty and continue to find beauty in myself. I think taking time to appreciate our beauty is key so thanks for sharing 🙂
There are weeks when I feel super beautiful and then one day, I look in the mirror and go ?
I don't know. I have good days where I catch a look and I'm like LOOK AT YOU GIRL! Then I have days when i look and I'm just upset and mad at how much weight I've gained. It varies on mood.
I don't have a formula for my pretty. I do however see it often and I celebrate it each time.
I definitely think I am too hard on myself sometimes. But feeling pretty sometimes can so change your mindset. Happiness is key.
I love to hear women feeling beautiful when they look at themselves. So many times they are looking for that from outside sources. When I'm happy, I feel beautiful. But I always think I'm cute though *wink*
Great post! I feel the most beautiful when I along changes or helping people around me.
Of course I feel pretty often… However, I always feel like pretty is a passing moment.
Not petty at all. I sometimes catch myself in the mirror and I am shocked about how I look because I don't consider myself beautiful so I am harder on myself than anyone can imagine.
As humans we can be hard on ourselves. We don't recognize our beauty, mostly because we are used to our features. However others appreciate the beauty we we take for granted! I agree with you, we need to slow down in life and take the time to appreciate and admire ourselves!!
I think we are to critical on ourselves at times. I don't really think about "feeling pretty" except those days that I'm just feeling myself. lol
Feeling pretty to me means feeling confident with and w/o makeup.
I feel pretty when I have had a good day and am happy.
I may sound whack here but I honestly feel pretty when I wear light light and i mean very light makeup and let my hair down (usually wear it in a bun style). But girl, I LOVE THIS!!! You are pretty! Yaay!!
"FEELING PRETTY" Means to me continue to love your self regardless of the struggles.
I feel pretty when I can move freely. Health – being fit = beautiful. When I feel cramped or hurt, no amount of fine clothes or good makeup can make me feel pretty, regardless of what someone else might say.
Feeling loved can also make a person feel pretty. maybe your thought "beautiful" was an unconscious summation of all the positives you've experienced? Happy wham.
Those are my thoughts on "feeling pretty." Thanks for asking 😉