Recently someone told me he never had/would have a pet because they are “pointless and a waste of money”. Well he certainly could not say that if he saw this face.
My cat’s Peanut and Pinto and dog Hurt bring a little Joy to my life every day. Do you have pets? Does their presence bring Joy to your life?
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Savvy WorkingGal says
I grew up in a household where pets were not allowed in the house and taught to be afraid of dogs. So when my husband wanted a dog I was very apprehensive. We now have two dogs and I must say it was one of the best things I've ever done. Very joyful. Your dog is super cute and can come visit anytime. I might even let him sleep on the couch.
Colleen Beaty says
What a sweet little face! I know I couldn't resist him, that's for sure.
My Dad is allergic to both cats and dogs, so our pets were limited when I was a kid. There were hamsters, an aquarium…I had a pet rat named Booter for awhile, but that didn't really work out. As an adult, I had a guinea pig named Yodel for a few years, and he was a joy to have around. I'm hoping that my next living situation is more pet friendly so I can have another furry friend! 🙂
Lisa Buben says
He is too cute! How could you not like him.
Anonymous says
When I saw this pic i just had to comment – he is adorable – the first time i met him, he rolled on his back and gave me his tummy to rub! I loved it and was smitten from then on! I guess it just goes to show that blessings come in unexpected packages too considering that you took him in.
We have a doggie too – he just turned a year in April, so he still has that puppy energy, and he has made us all fall into puppy love with him! Even my parents, who aren't big dog fans, are smitten!
The feeling of unconditional love you get from a pet is an amazing thing – since this is our first ever dog, i never knew what it felt like before. So thankful to God for helping me find this little guy to brighten our lives!!!!
Thanks for the pic of Hurt, he made me smile this morning!
Maria says
I LOVE dogs! I have a Maltese who is 10 yrs old. Although quite feisty, I love him dearly! He is very sweet with my girls so I can't ask for more. I have to admit though that I have less time for him than before with the girls. But I do try to cuddle and pet him in bed every night! Love you Weiss 🙂
trininista says
The cuteness!!! I have decided when I go back home I am getting a new dog. I miss having one. Well, I have 2 at home and they are cute and loving but I miss having a cuddly baby.
brittany.baughman says
How cute is that face?! I am a BIG TIME animal lover. We have two dobermans, four cats, a macaw and occasionally various foster pets from the animal shelter I volunteer at.
It has been proven that pets can help you live longer, happier lives and I for one believe that fact to the fullest extent. Going through cancer treatments would have been so much more horrible without my furrkids helping me with their love and kisses and cuddles.
Mommy Cracked says
We have 3 cats….I love them to pieces! My pets bring me immense joy!
Laura P says
Oh my goodness! Look at that face.
We have 3 pets in our home. 2 little dachshunds and a moody but loveable cat. 🙂
JDaniel4's Mom says
He is so cute!
Marie Noelle says
He's soooo cute!!! I'm not a dog person but this one looks so nice!
Sarah says
I have two dogs and they can have their challenging moments, but they definitely bring joy into my life and into the life of my family. Who can resist the unconditional love of a little furbaby 🙂
chasingjoy says
Rach, Yes he is a Shih-tzu. I ended up taking him in as well. I've had some difficult nights with him but basically he's a good boy.
Bella, It was a guy who said this. I am no longer talking to him.
Bella says
I would tell the person who said that pets were pointless and a waste of money that he or she doesn't know what they're missing. My dog Roxy is one of the joys in my life. She's my partner in crime, the little companion that helps stave off loneliness and the one responsible for making me get off my butt and exercise. We take three long, daily walks a day. I can't envision my life without a pet in my home to offer me unconditional love and affection. Dropping by from the LBS!
Rach (DonutsMama) says
Is that Shih-tzu? We have a Shih-tzu, but he does not bring joy to our life, lol. He's kind of crazy. But we took him in b/c we felt sorry for him. He is a very difficult dog though so it's been kinda rough with a new baby. 🙁