In an effort to experience Joy from simple things I started buying flowers every week. Buying flowers was one of the things on my 35 for 35 list. I have been buying them or quite a few weeks now and It really has given me joy. I only buy the cheap flowers from the supermarket but the inexpensiveness of the flowers only add to the joy I receive from looking at them. They add beauty to my home for less than $10.00.
Today I am sharing pictures of the flowers from the last few weeks. If you follow me on Instagram you may have seen some of these already.
It is a huge mistake to think that you have to make big changes or wait until you have a lot more money to be happier. Buying these simple flowers once a week have tremendously improved my feelings of Joy at home.
What simple and or inexpensive things have you done to feel more Joyful?
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Flowers are one of my favorite ways to instantly boost my joy levels and add some color to my at home workspace! I just love them! I found a supermarket near me [Aldi's] that has beautiful rose bouquets for $3.99!
Miss Rachel, I might have to find my way to Aldi's to get that deal.