Today was a good day overall. Baby Joy Chaser and I stayed home. We did not do anything special. We played with his toys. We watched a lot of PBS. I tried to get him to pay attention to some Christmas cartoons. I failed, LOL
He fell and hit his head on . We were playing. I was chasing him. He was laughing. Then he was on the floor crying. Of course it would not be a normal day of motherhood if something didnt happen to cause me anxiety, SMH.
Anyway, despite the bump on the head it wasna good day. But boy am I tired. How can such a little person make you work so hard? My hat goes off to stay at home moms. I could not put in a full day every day. I so appreciate quality day care. It allows me the time away I need so that I can show up as the best version of my self when I’m with my favorite tiny human.