Dear Dad,
So your son found a video of you on YouTube. I don’t even think you knew what YouTube was but you made it on there before I did. LOL… It was so amazing to see you on there and hear your voice again. I can freeze frame the video and it is like you are looking right at me. I really miss talking to you and thought maybe I’d write you a letter here to let you know how I am doing.
These last 8 months have been rough but we are hanging in there. I am single again. That was kind of rough to go through without getting any relationship advice from you. But considering how often you gave me advice in the past I kind of knew what you would say anyway.
My new job is going well. I have some nice new friends there and more responsibilities. I know you would be proud.
I celebrated my 30th b-day in Atlantic City with friends and family. You would have approved.
I just came back from a vacation, cruise to Bermuda with cousins. You would have been happy about that as well.
I went to Church recently. I went to North Philly Church where you used to take me when I was little.
Mom is doing ok too. You’d be very happy to know that she does not like the new Korean soap opera. Lol
The Boys are hanging in there as well.
Grandkids are doing well, getting big and sounding very happy whenever I talk to them.
I remember that you liked to write also and did some short stories. I don’t think you knew what a blog was but I have started writing one. You are a big part of the inspiration behind it. That last night at the hospice there was a moment when it was just you and I alone in the room and I told you that we would all be ok, that me, mom and the boys would be ok. At the time I did not know how we would be ok without you but I knew that it would have to be true because lying to you was not something I was in the habit of doing. So I am making every effort to keep my word and not just be ok but be happy. This blog and my pursuit of Joy is a big part of that.
I’ll talk to you later.
It sounds like he was an amazing influence for you. You are doing him proud.
I am thinking about adding this type of exercise to my weekly journaling. Thanks for sharing!
Lovely letter, I think I am going to write my Dad a letter as well. Thanks for the inspiration.
Very poignant, Joy! Love it!
This is touching. Thank you so much for sharing!
Thank you DjrelAt7.
you're dad is proud 🙂